Preparation for the American Literature Eoc American literature eoc april 26 and 27
Types of questions Selected response (multiple choice) : a question, problem, or statement with four choices – one point each
Types of questions Technology-enhanced item: has two parts – You will be asked to answer the first part of the question, and then you will answer the second part of the question based on how you answered the first part – two points each. Partial credit may be given if the first response is correct by the second is not.
Types of questions Constructed response: asks a question and you provide a written response – two points each
Types of questions Extended constructed response: – four points each. This item is a specific type of constructed-response that requires a longer, more detailed response. These items are worth four points. Partial credit may be given if part of the answer is correct.
Types of questions Extended writing-response: section one of the test – students will develop an argument or informative or explanatory response based on information read in two passages. Scored on a 7-point scale: 4 points for idea development, organization, and coherence, and 3 points for language and conventions.
Strategies for answering constructed-response items Read the question or prompt carefully Think about what the question is asking you to do Go back to the passage or passages and find details, examples, or reasons that help support and explain your response Reread your response and be sure you have answered all parts of the question
Strategies for answering constructed-response items Be sure that the evidence you have chosen from the text supports your answer Your response will be scored based on the accuracy of your response and how well you have supported your answer with details and other evidence. Extended-response items will also evaluate your writing. Your score will be based on criteria such as organization, clarity, transitions, precise language, formal style, objective tone, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and usage.
Depth of knowledge descriptors Depth of knowledge pertains to the level of thinking required for a particular problem or questions. There or four levels of DOK: 1 Recall of information - (tell who, what, when, where; find list, define, identify, choose, order) 2 basic reasoning – (apply, complete, describe, explain how; demonstrate, construct, analyze, extend, connect classify, arrange, compare; contrast) 3 complex reasoning – (plan, predict, create, design, ask “what if” questions, generalize, assess, justify, rank, test, recommend, select, conclude) 4 extended reasoning – (design, connect, synthesize, apply concepts, critique, analyze, create, prove)
Depth of knowledge example items Read the passage on handout #1 and answer example items 1 through 3.
Example item 1: selected response Dok level 1 Correct answer C Why?
Example item 2: selected response DOK level 2 Correct answer B Why?
Example item 3: constructed-response Read the instructions carefully and respond to the prompt in a paragraph of no fewer than five sentences. This is a dok level 3 because…
Example item 3: constructed response Description Sample 2 points: Gives sufficient evidence of the ability to justify interpretations of information Includes specific examples Adequately supports examples with clearly relevant information from the text 2 points: The author provides information about the types of literature that Atwood enjoyed as a child - principally fairy tales and mysteries. Fairy tales use fantasy to teach lessons about the real world. Mysteries are based in the real world, but pose puzzling questions about it. Her novel The Handmaid’s Tale is not real at the present time, but is a dark projection of present reality. Both types of fiction help the reader understand and appreciate reality.
Example item 4: extended writing response Read the writing task with the class This is dok level 4 because…
Example item 4: extended writing response As you respond, be sure to: Introduce your claim (your position) Support your claim with logical reasoning (your three points) and relevant evidence, including facts and details from the passages (textual support) Acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims (counter argument) Organize the reasons and evidence logically (follow your thesis)
Example item 4: extended writing response As you respond, continued: Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from the passage (use mla intext citation) Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the passages Use appropriate and varied transitions to connect your ideas and to clarify the relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence Establish and maintain a formal style Provide a conclusion that supports the argument presented, and check your work!
Description of the test format and organization The American literature and composition Eoc assessment consists of a total of 60 items. You will be asked to respond to selected-response (multiple-choice), technology-enhanced, constructed-response, extended response, and extended writing-response items. The test will be given in three sections. You may have up to 75 minutes per section to complete sections 2 and 3 The total estimated testing time for the American literature eoc ranges form approximately 190 – 240 minutes (this does not include instruction time)
Description of the test format and organization Section 1 is essay (extended writing-response Section 2 and 3 will be given the second day. The eoc is 20% of your grade.