Photos of Resistance Training Exercises chapter 14 Photos of Resistance Training Exercises Photos of Resistance Training Exercises supplement
Bent-Knee Sit-Up
Abdominal Crunch
Bent-Over Row
Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Seated Row (Machine)
Low-Pulley Seated Row (Machine)
Barbell Biceps Curl
Hammer Curl
Standing Calf (Heel) Raise (Machine)
Seated Calf (Heel) Raise (Machine)
Flat Barbell Bench Press
Flat Barbell Bench Press (continued)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Flat Dumbbell Fly
Vertical Chest Press (Machine)
Wrist Curl
Wrist Extension
Hip Sled (Machine)
Back Squat
Back Squat (continued)
Front Squat
Front Squat (continued)
Forward Step Lunge
Forward Step Lunge (continued)
Step-Up (continued)
Good Morning
Stiff-Leg Deadlift
Leg (Knee) Extension (Machine)
Leg (Knee) Curl (Machine)
Shoulder Press (Machine)
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press
Upright Row
Lateral Shoulder Raise
Lying Barbell Triceps Extension
Triceps Pushdown (Machine)
Push Press (and Push Jerk Variation)
Push Press (and Push Jerk Variation) (continued)
Power Clean
Power Clean (continued)
Snatch (continued)
Snatch (continued)