Entrepreneurship Course title and code: Entrepreneurship –( BUS 352 T) Credit hours: 3 Credit Hours
Name of course instructor : Nora Alhilali Office : 2.500.52 Location : Faculty of Business and Administration, Business Administration department, second floor, Station A6 Email: nora.alhe1@gmail.com
Objectives What is the main purpose for this course? 1- Increase awareness and understanding of entrepreneurship as an important business behavior. 2- Provide a basic foundation of the context, concepts, and process of entrepreneurship. 3-Discuss the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. 4-Demonstrate the importance of planning for the success of new ventures. 5- Apply the entrepreneurship process to a real business opportunity.
Topics to be Covered 1-Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Mind-Set 2-Entrepreneurial Intentions and Corporate Entrepreneurship 3-Entrepreneurial Strategy: Generating and Exploiting New Entries 3-Creativity and the Business Idea 4-Identifying and Analyzing Domestic and International Opportunities
5-Intellectual Property and Other Legal Issues for the Entrepreneur 6-The Business Plan: (Creating and Starting the Venture) 7-The Business Plan: (The Marketing Plan) 8-The Business Plan: (The Organizational Plan) 9-The Business Plan: (The Financial Plan)
10-Funding the Venture: (Sources of Capital) 11- Funding the Venture: (Informal Risk Capital, Venture Capital, and Going public) 12-Strategies for Growth and Managing the Implication of Growth 13-Accessing Resources for Growth from External Sources 14-Succession Planning and Strategies for Harvesting and Ending the Venture 15-Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Mind-Set
16-Entrepreneurial Intentions and Corporate Entrepreneurship 17-Entrepreneurial Strategy: Generating and Exploiting New Entries
Assessment task The first test( Mid1): 20% Course Project , or Essays: 10% The second test (Mid2): Participation, Quizzes , Presentation Final exam: 40%
Learning Resources : - List Required Textbooks Entrepreneurship, by His rich, R. D., Peters, M. P., and Shepherd, D. A., Published by: McGraw Hill, 8th edition (2010). -List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.) Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, by Scarborough, N. M., Published by: Prentice Hall, 6th edition (2011).