Profile of (Person from GA History) By: (your name) (Academic) You must choose a country in Asia or Africa!
PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here Home Profile Friends Inbox PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here About Me Basic Info Birthday: Birthplace: Significant Contributions: Hobbies: Political views: Relationship Status: Biography (insert a short 3-4 sentence statement) Famous & Favorite Quotes (insert 2-3 Quotes) Write everything in your own words, as if you are the country itself.
Photos Home Profile Friends Inbox Write everything in your own words, as if you are the country itself.
PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here Home Profile Friends Inbox PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here Work and Education Occupation: Education: Likes and Interests Favorites Music: Books: Movies: Television: Sports: Write everything in your own words, as if you are the country itself.
Friends of (PROFILE NAME) Name of Friend Title Extra Info Home Profile Friends Inbox Friends of (PROFILE NAME) Name of Friend Title Extra Info You must have at least 8 friends. Using the Title and the Extra Info, include something that lets us know WHY this person (or country) is friends with your country.
PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here Home Profile Friends Inbox Logout PROFILE NAME HERE status sentence here Person Name some kind of comment related to an event your person may have attended or something going on in their life Person Name some kind of comment related to an event your person may have attended or something going on in their life Your country must have at least 3 different people (or other countries) commenting about current events in your country.
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