Forms of Severe Weather
Thunderstorms Occur when warm, moist air rises quickly Forms cumulonimbus clouds Drops collect, fall as rain, causing downdrafts of air (heavy winds) as well
Lightning Rapid rising of air causes clouds to build up charge When charge jumps from cloud to cloud or from cloud to ground, it makes a lightning bolt Heats air to around 30,000°C (hotter than the sun) Quickly expanding air is heard as thunder
Thunderstorm Videos
Tornadoes Violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path Occurs along fronts Wind blowing at different speeds causes rotation to start Combine with an updraft of air, you have a tornado
Tornado Videos Scales
Hurricanes Most powerful of all storms Large, swirling low pressure systems forming over tropical ocean Powered by warm, moist ocean air
Hurricane Videos Difference Between Hurricane and Tornado
Warning vs Watch Severe weather watch Stay tuned, and make preparations Conditions are favorable Severe weather warning Take shelter, it’s here