Passive with exercises 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Passive with exercises 1

Što je uopće pasiv? pasiv nije glagolsko vrijeme (tense), nego način (voice). rečenice koje sadrže objekt (direktni i/ili indirektni) mogu biti u aktivu (active voice) ili u pasivu (passive voice). khod transformacije aktivne u pasivnu rečenicu ne smijemo promijeniti glagolsko vrijeme!

Zašto uopće trebamo pasiv? pasivne rečenice su česta pojava u engleskom jeziku koristeći pasivne rečenice pomičemo naglasak s osobe koja vrši radnju (subjekt rečenice) na samu radnju npr. I made some mistakes. → Some mistakes were made.

VAŽNO ZA TVORBU ZA PASIVNIH REČENICA nužno je poznavati dijelove rečenice: SUBJEKT: vršitelj radnje npr. The manager has written a report in his office. PREDIKAT: glagol npr. The manager has written a report in his office. OBJEKT: npr. The manager has written a report in his office. PRILOŽNE OZNAKE: nužno je poznavati i razlikovati glagolska vremena kao i nepravilne glagole

Tvorba pasivnih rečenica objekt aktivne rečenice postaje subjekt pasivne rečenice Subjekt aktivne rečenice se u velikoj većini slučajeva ne mora posebno izricati. Ukoliko ga želimo ili moramo izreći, koristimo by frazu i stavljamo ju na kraj rečenice. [My grandfather]S founded [this company]O. [This company]S was founded by my gradnfather.

to be + past participle of the main verb Što učiniti s glagolom? Podsjetimo još jednom: u tvorbi pasiva ne mijenjamo glagolsko vrijeme, nego samo način! Za tvorbu pasiva nam je potrebano: - glagol biti (to be) u glagolskom vremenu izvorne aktivne rečenice; npr. ako je aktivna u Present Perfect Simple, glagol biti također moramo staviti u to glagolsko vrijeme (have been) - past particip (past participle) glavnoga glagola Dakle, pravilo za tvornu pasiva je: to be + past participle of the main verb Pogledajmo to na primjeru.

to be + past participle of the main verb Aktivna rečenica: We keep documents in folders. 1. korak 1. Odrediti subjekt i objekt aktivne rečenice. 2. korak Objekt aktivne rečenice postavimo kao subjekt pasivne rečenice. Documents ...

Odredimo glagolsko vrijeme u aktivnoj rečenici: Present Simple. 3. korak Odredimo glagolsko vrijeme u aktivnoj rečenici: Present Simple. Slijedite pravilo: glagol to be moramo staviti u Present Simple, dakle am, is ili are (ovisno o licu). Glagol keep je glavni glagol i njega stavljamo u past participle, dakle kept. U rečenici to izgleda ovako: Documents are kept in folders.

4. korak Ostatak rečenice (priložnu oznaku) smo prepisali, a subjekt glavne rečenice u ovom slučaju nismo uključili. Aktivna rečenica: We keep documents in folders. Pasivna rečenica: Documents are kept in folders.

Primjeri za Present Simple A: [We]S wash [our car] O every weekend. P: [Our car] S is washed every weekend. A: [They] S repair [the bridge]O every two years. P: [The bridge] S is repaired every two years. A: [The company] S produces [its products]O in Osijek. P: [The products] S are produced in Osijek.

Ostala SIMPLE glagolska vremena Podsjetimo na pravilo: to be + V-ed (past participle) Past Simple They broke the window. The window was broken.

Ostala SIMPLE glagolska vremena to be + V-ed (past participle) Present Perfect Simple I have sold our old house.z Our old house has been sold. Past Perfect Simple They hadn’t collected the rubbish. The rubbish hadn’t been collected. Future Simple They will meet you at the station. You will be met at the station.

Continuous glagolska vremena Continuous glagolska vremena tvore pasiv na isti način, iako se continuous oblici za glagol to be inače ne koriste često: to be + V-ed (past participle) Present Continuous They are repairing the bridge. → The bridge is being repaired. Past Continuous They were carrying the injured player off the field. → The injured player was being carried off the field.

Modalni glagoli Modalni glagoli (modal auxiliary verbs) su: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would; need, dare, used to Također mogu tvoriti pasiv i to koristeći pasivni infinitiv: (present infinitive) to keep > to be kept (perfect infinitive) to have told > to have been told

Napomena: modalni glagoli uz sebe vežu infinitiv bez ‘to’ You must/should shut these doors. These doors must/should be shut. They should/ought to have told him. He should/ought to have been told.

Za one koji vole tablice... TENSE/VERB FORM ACTIVE PASSIVE Present Simple keeps is/are kept Present Continuous is keeping is/are being kept Past Simple kept was/were kept Past Continuous was keeping was/were being kept Present Perfect Simple has kept has/have been kept Past Perfect Simple had kept had been kept Future Simple will keep will be kept

Pasiv u koracima - skraceno Odrediti S, V, O O(A) → S(P) S(A) → by(P) V(A) → V(P) (pažnja: LICA)

Objekt i pasivne rečenice Samo glagoli koji imaju objekt mogu imati pasivni oblik: [John] S swimms [every day]A. - no O, no passive!

Glagoli s dva objekta [They] offered [us] Oi[a new flat]Od. Neki glagoli mogu uz sebe imati dva objekta, direktni i indirektni (Od i Oi). Bilo koji od ta dva objekta može biti subjekt pasiva. [They] offered [us] Oi[a new flat]Od. Oi: [We] Swere offered a new flat. Od: [A new flat] Swas offered to us. Kada indirektni objekt postaje subjekt pasivne rečenice, mora biti u nominativu: I’ll send her the books. → She will be sent the books.

I još o objektima Cijeli objekt postaje subjekt pasivne rečenice, bez obzira koliko ‘dugačak’ bio: He frightened [the pretty girl standing in the dark corner]. [The pretty girl standing in the dark corner] was frightened.

Upotreba pasiva Kada nije potrebno spominjati vršitelja radnje (agent), jer je jasno iz konteksta tko ju vrši: The streets are swept every day. Your hand will be X-rayed. Kada ne znamo, ne znamo točno ili smo zaboravili tko vrši radnju: The minister was murdered. My car has been moved!

Upotreba pasiva Ako je subjekt aktivne rečenice općenit, npr. people, one: He is suspected of receiving stolen goods. This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere. Kada nas više zanima radnja, nego onaj tko ju vrši: The house next door has been bought (by a Mr Jones). A new public library is being built (by our local council).

Upotreba pasiva Ponekad se koristi iz psiholoških razloga, kako bi se ogradili od odgovornosti prilikom priopćavanja neugodnih vijesti: Overtime rates are being reduced/will have to be reduced. This letter has been opened! (Tom suspects Bill, but wishes to avoid giving the name)

Navođenje vršitelja radnje Ako ipak želimo ili zbog smisla rečenice moramo navesti vršitelja radnje, koristimo by + akuzativ (zamjenice): He was brought up by his (her) aunt.

He was killed with a knife. Instrument Ako želimo spomenuti instrument korišten za vršenje radnje koristimo with: He was killed with a knife.

Negacije u pasivnim rečenicama Usporedite sljedeće rečenice: You can’t do anything. > Nothing can be done. We are not doing enough. > Not enough is being done. > It is not being done enough. Nobody has seen him.> He hasn’t been seen.

Upitne rečenice Upitne rečenice moraju ostati upitne i u pasivu: Did you write that note on the fridge? > Was that note on the fridge written by you? Has he posted my letters? > Have my letters been posted? Are they producing BMW in Germany? > Is BMW being produced in Germany?

Exercises Our company builds roads/one road every year. Roads are built every year by our company. One road is built every year by our company. Our company is building two roads/a hotel. Our company built a hotel/4 hotels last year. Our company was building a hotel/five hotels. Our company has built a hotel/five hotels so far. Our company had built a hotel/five hotels before 1986. Our company will build a hotel next year. Our company could build a hotel. Our company must build five office buildings for a foreign customer.