STRUCTURE Before Revision Strategies During Writing smart
THE HANDBOOK SAYS NO! ‘Students may not repeat the substance of arguments, supporting reasoning or evidence first used in an Assessed Essay in a second Assessed Essay or the subsequent Examination for the module in question, or in Examinations or Assessments for any other PAIS module (including the Dissertation). Repeating material between Assessments and Examinations will be treated by markers in the same way as repeating answers within an examination, and marked accordingly. It is acceptable to use arguments or reasoning first developed in Non-assessed (Formative) Essays in subsequent Examinations, as in this case you are not marked twice on the same material.’
Pre-exam: Revision, Revision, Revision Rule: Don’t work hard, work smart
MAKE A SCHEDULE Important and necessary Breaks down larger task Early birds vs. Night owls Break up your day
This is how you find them… PAST PAPERS This is how you find them…
Method… Techniques Location Regular breaks Group What does (not) work for you? Location Public/private Noise level Regular breaks Group Shut up and write style session?
QUALITY OVER QUANTITY It’s all about YOU! 8 good hours vs. 16 bad hours Food Hydration Relaxation Exercise It’s all about YOU!
Exam Answer the question Argument Clear structure
THE ‘DON’T’ LIST No waffling Don’t repeat lectures Don’t be boring or unoriginal Don’t give us a 50% for/50% against answer Don’t leave the question unanswered Don’t panic!
BEFORE & DURING Skeleton answer Write a plan before you answer Adapt to the question Allow plenty of time to write!
THE BUSINESS OF EXAMS Ignore everyone else Be time savvy Quality over quantity Stay focused
Exam Nerves
DON’T BE DESCRIPTIVE Analysis is key! What are your thoughts? Challenge the experts! (Analytically, not confrontationally)
DOING WELL… Key terms E.g. ‘discourse’, ‘reflexivity’, ‘the subject’ Be concise Make sure you have… Argument Structure Literature