Apicomplexa By Nail and Cooner
Kingdom: Chromalveolata Superphylum: Alveolata Phylum: Apicomplexa Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Chromalveolata Superphylum: Alveolata Phylum: Apicomplexa
Characteristics Unicellular Spore Forming Only parasites to Animals (Causes Malaria, Babesiosis, Taxoplasmosis) Possesses a unique system of organelles called the Apical complex. Includes a special organelle called an apicoplast which helps penetrate a host cell. Most move with a gliding motion, while some do have flagella. - None have cilia Lives in the intestines of its host. Elongated, serpentine shape; usually rod or oval shaped.
Characteristics cont. Both sexual and asexual reproduction. Must be in host cell to grow and replicate. Complex Life Cycle: Reproduction begins when a sporozoite enters the host cell. The sporozoite divides to form Merozoits. Merozoits transform into gamonts, which are sexually reproductive cells. Gamonts combine to form a Gamontocyst, then divide to form gametes. Pairs of gametes fuse to create zygotes, which create sporozoites through meoisis, repeating the cycle. 1-zygote, 2-sporozoites, 3-merozoites, 4-gamontocytes.