Curriculum Information Evening for Year 10 and 11 13th September 2017 Welcome
Agenda for the evening Welcome / Introductions (Rod Bell) What’s new this year? (Rod Bell) Key Dates, New GCSEs, Curriculum Overview, ME Meetings (Marcus Chapman) Year 11 Achievement System & My Futures Evening (Rod Bell) Thinking about Post 16 Options (Luke Clark) Learning Culture (Kelvin Rogers) Revision and final exam prep. (Phil White) Personal Q/A (All) Parent Consultation – Your input via our feedback forms! Close
What’s new? – Raising the bar!
What’s new? – Raising the bar!
You will receive praise/rewards via: Written comments in exercise books Pastoral Reports Progress Checks Giving Certificates, Cups, Awards, School Colours Announcements made in School Assemblies End of term Commendation Assemblies/Certificates Reports in Newsletters/on School Social Media Praise Post Cards Displaying Work Corsham Credits Phone call, letter or email sent home Showing good work to the Headteacher/Year Learning Manager/Head of Faculty. Awards Evenings
Uniform & Appearance
Expectations & Consequences B1 Behaviour: Disorderly arrival or exit No equipment Planner not signed Inadequate work Low-level disruption Misusing equipment Failing to follow instructions Inappropriate language Eating/drinking in class Unkindness to other students Your teacher or tutor will do one or more of the following things: - Speak to you about your behaviour - Change the seating plan - Give you a plan to avoid problems in next lesson - Write a note in your planner Response level Class teacher or tutor Behaviour Points logged on SIMs 1 B2 Behaviour : Using mobile without permission Frequently having no equipment Interfering with others Persistently failing to follow instructions Persistently disrupting lessons Your teacher or tutor will do one or more of the following things: - Issue a 10 minute detention - Confiscate an item for the rest of a lesson - Contact your parents or carers - Put you on a behaviour report 2 B3 Continuing with B1 or B2 behaviour despite the actions of your teacher or tutor Leaving the room without permission 4 or more uniform issues No uniform compliance card Persistent lateness Refusing to cooperate Swearing Truancy The Subject Leader or Year Learning Manager will do one of the following: - Supervise you out of the lesson (Internal Rota) - 1 hour after-school detention - Confiscate item to return to parents/carers - Put you on uniform report - Put you on behaviour report - Contact your parents/carers - Meet with your parents/carers Subject Leader/Year Learning Manager 3
Y10/11 Curriculum – 50 1 hour lessons
9/10 Triple Science – English Lit Option 3 Maths Option 2 Option 1 RE Number of GCSEs? Option 3 Maths 9/10 Option 2 Option 1 RE English Language Maths Science 2 Option 1 Science Science 1 English Literature RE English Language
Year 10 Key Dates ME Meetings Sep 19, 26 and Oct-03 Parents Eve and interim November 23 Y10 Report May 23 Y10 Mock Exams July 02 Report July 17
Year 11 Corsham6th Open Eve September 27 Parents' Eve and report November 02 Y11 Mock Exams December 04 Corsham6th Taster December (tbc) Y11 Report January 19 Y11 Futures Eve February (tbc) Y11 Report March 16 GCSE Portfolio Deadline March 28 GCSE Practicals begin April 16 Y11 Report Apr 27 Potential Study Leave May 25 GCSE Exams begin May 14 GCSE Ends June 22 Pre6th Experience Day June 19 Results August 23
English: no tiering nor Controlled Assessments Reduced Controlled Assessments elsewhere Y11 Grades still in Media, Resistant, Business, Product Design Y10 Graphics, Music, Sports Science, IT, Business –Pass Merit Distinction Star
ME Meetings September Review Y9 progress (any barriers to learning) Attendance-behaviour-homework-progress New expectations for Homework, New Target Grades for each subject, new targets for attendance etc Very important meeting –love to see you there
Y11 February Meetings My Future Interviews Review position on the Yr. 11 Achievement System (Behaviour, effort, homework, attendance) Review progress towards Yr. 11 Targets Review any barriers to achieving potential Review Post 16 Options/Applications Provide Careers Advice & Guidance
Thinking about the sixth form and beyond… What grades do I need to achieve at GCSE to take the courses I want? What grades will I need to achieve at GCSE/A-Levels to pursue the career I want/ get in to University? Do I want to study A-Levels? BTEC? What other options are there when I finish school this year?
Wednesday 27th September – Corsham6th Open Evening Key Dates Wednesday 27th September – Corsham6th Open Evening 6pm – 8pm, S Block Hall Wednesday 28th February – University Fair See Mr. Smith or Mr. Clarke for more information
A Learning culture Key Stage 4 marks a culture change for our students Our aim is to support students to become more independent, to take charge of their own learning We don’t take the exams! How do we do this?
TRIO Time for Reflection Improvement and Organisation While this is embedded in lessons, we also use this to shape our use of tutor times