Building the BEST Structure Challenge Group # ___________________ Group Member Names __________________________________________________ Building the BEST Structure Challenge 100pts. 15pts. Stack it up worksheet 75pts. Design Challenge 10pts. Data tables
STEM II Engineering Design Challenge Goal: Build the structure with the greatest volume using the least amount of materials. Constraints: Structure must be a square or rectangle, be free standing, and all parts of the building must be constructed using the same geometric shape. The final structure must be made out of at least 10 individual pieces or “blocks” Materials: one pack of index cards, scissors, and masking tape. Score: 75pts. Volume x number of cards remaining ((1st)75,(2nd)70,(3rd) 65,(4th)60 )all remaining teams will receive a maximum of 55/75. A 20pt. Deduction will be made for projects that do not follow their original design plan.
Sketch a plan of your structure below: Be sure to include a sketch of the individual pieces and final structure including demines ions for both in inches.
Develop a data table for recording the group scores: Include the following columns: group #’s, total volume (in3), # of cards remaining and total score.
Rank the teams based on score and assign a grade: Set up a data table to include the following columns: group #’s, total score (volume x # of cards remaining), grade (out of 75), and class rank.