Mark 16:15 Colossians 1:23 ~28 yrs.


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Presentation transcript:

Mark 16:15 Colossians 1:23 ~28 yrs. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Colossians 1:23 “…the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven…” ~28 yrs.

Acts 2 By close of Acts ~28 yrs. The church began One city 3,000 members By close of Acts Added daily – 2:47 Increasingly added – 5:14 Multiplying – 6:1 Multiplied – 6:7; 9:31 Great many added – 11:21, 24 Increased daily – 16:5 At least 50 cities 100,000’s members ~28 yrs.

Peter & John preached Christ (3:11-26) The gospel was having great success (3:11; 4:4, 21) The Jewish leaders were troubled (4:1-2) Peter & John were arrested (4:3) Imprisoned (4:3), Interrogated (4:5-12) + Intimidated (4:17-18, 21) The apostles preached Christ (5:12) The gospel was having great success (5:14) The Jewish leaders were troubled (5:17) The apostles were arrested (5:18) Imprisoned, with plans to Interrogate + Intimidate The Jewish leadership was seeking to shut down Christianity by shutting up its advocates

Commissioned by God (5:20) Contested by “the enemy” (5:28; 4:17, 21) Choice to Be Made: What would/will you do? God said: “Go to the temple and speak” (5:20) They: “Entered the temple & taught” (5:21, 25 + 3:11) “We must obey God and what God says…NOT man!” (5:29) Content to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of the gospel (cf. Acts 7:51-60; 20:24; 21:13)

Choice to Be Made: What would you do/teach? Content of Message Prescribed By Christ (Luke 24:46-47) Proclaimed By Apostles (Acts 3:6, 16; 4:2, 10, 12) Prohibited By Authorities (4:17-18; 5:28, 40) Choice to Be Made: What would you do/teach? Resolve to listen to God rather than man (4:19) Refuse to change His message for any man or reason (4:20) Realize that only one message can save (4:12) Continued to preach, un-watered-down salvation “in the name of Jesus” (2:38; 8:12,16; 10:48; 19:5; 22:16)

Instant compliance with the Lord’s instructions (5:21) Intense concern for lost souls (3:11, 12; 4:1, 2, 10, 21; 5:12, 20, 25) Insatiable craving for all the lost to repent and be forgiven (3:19; 5:31; cf. Rom. 10:1; 9:2-3) Intriguing conviction when they knew they were doing the right thing (5:41)

Candidates for the gospel everywhere (Mark 16:15) Creatures in the image of God needed the gospel Comprehensive approach: Rulers and elders (4:8) Religious people in the temple (4:10) Residents in every home (5:42; cf. v. 28) Reaches of every Christian journey (8:4) Regardless of any social, ethical, religious, racial differences (10:34-35)

Could not stop telling what they knew (4:20) Could not be dissuaded from teaching Jesus (5:42) Could not let a day go by without preaching (5:42)

The early church is THE model of success! Do you have an… Unshakeable faith? Uncompromising message? Urgent passion? Universal outreach? Unrelenting effort? The early church is THE model of success! How do we/you measure up to God’s model?

Believe Jesus is God’s Son – John 3:16 Repent of your sins and turn to God – Acts 3:19 Confess your faith in Jesus – Romans 10:10 Be immersed in water – Acts 2:38 Your sins will be forgiven – Acts 22:16 You will be added to His church – Acts 2:47 You will be registered in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 Live and serve God faithfully – Revelation 2:10