ASSESSMENT Introduction and Welcome 11/22/2018
ASSESSMENT 11/22/2018
Emphasis of Training Recognize key components of the CCS Reading Standards that support creating Common Formative Assessments. Review CCS Reading – SBAC Assessment Targets. Writing a Selected Response. Writing a Constructed Response. 11/22/2018
What Do We Want Assessment to Look Like? Assessment takes place continuously during the course of teaching and learning to provide teachers and students with feedback to close the gap between current learning and desired goals. Assessment Reform Group 2002 * Teachers know what students already know and adjust instruction. SBAC 2013 * Students are aware of progress. * Works for ALL students. What does assessment look like at HSD? * Assessment is a process – not a “test.” * Instruction is driven by collected assessment evidence. Popham, James Transformative Assessment in Action, 2011 11/22/2018
ASSESSMENT HSD Elementary Assessment Framework. We will be looking at this throughout this training and how the assessment framework scaffolds from instructional daily assessment to common formative assessment. This scaffolding creates Balanced Assessment. 11/22/2018
Learning Progressions ASSESSMENT Learning Progressions Standards Common Formative Assessment Toolbox Part I Common Core Standards We are going to talk about assessment resources we have in our assessment “toolbox.” What will we access? The Standards. How will we access and monitor our progress of teaching the standards? Within the instructional context of Specific Content using IFA’s and Learning Progressions. What is the purpose of the Common Formative Assessment? We’ll cover some CFA background. When will we access? We’ll follow a scope and sequence….from the Pacing Guides aligning our CFA’s to look like and be modeled after our State Assessment. 11/22/2018
Informational Read to Write W.2 What Are We Assessing? Learning Objectives Standard RI.3 Standard RI.6 Standard RI.9 Narrative Writing W.3 Assessment Toolbox Common Core Standards Pacing Guide Quarter 4 Learning Objectives Standard RI.3 Standard RI.6 Standard RI.9 Informational Read to Write W.2 Model Writing Plan Revise Edit Present The first tool in our box are the common core standards. The fourth quarter Pacing Guides CCS Standards for all grades K – 6 informational text are standards RI.3, 6 and 9 integrated with Informational Writing Standard W.2. We will follow these 4th quarter informational text standards throughout this presentation as an example. 11/22/2018
Common Core Standards Claims Assessment Toolbox Claims Targets DOKs “Claims” are what students should know and be able to do in the domain of English language arts and literacy to demonstrate readiness for college and career in ELA. 2013 Susan Gendron SBAC Presentation For each of the domain-specific claims there is a set of summative assessment targets. Claim #1 – Reading Claim #3 – Speaking /Listening Literary Targets Target 1 Key Details Target 2 Craft/Structure Target 3 Word Meaning Target 4 Reasoning Target 5 Relationships Target 6 Features Target 7 Language Informational Targets Target 8 Key Details Target 9 Craft/Structure Target 10 Word Meaning Target 11 Reasoning Target 12 Relationships Target 13 Structures Target 14 Language Claim #2 – Writing Speaking/Listening Targets Target 1 Language/Vocabulary Target 2 Clarify Message Target 3 Plan/Speak/Present Target 4 Listen/Interpret Claim #4 – Research Some of the SBAC tools we’ve used to understand the Common Core State Standards have included Claims, Targets and Depths of Knowledge. Claims: are the broad statements of the assessment system’s learning outcomes, which require evidence that articulates the types of data/observations that will support interpretations of competence towards achievement of the claims/ Targets - Based on the description of sufficient evidence necessary to support each claim, the assessment targets describe the expectations of what will be assessed by the items and tasks within each claim. These summative assessment targets (evidence) at each grade level represent the prioritized content for summative assessment. Writing Targets Target 1,3,6 Revise Target 2,4,7 Compose Target 5 Use of Features Target 8 Language Target 9 Edit/Clarify Target 10 Technology Research Targets Target 1 Plan/Research Target 2 Interpret/Integrate Target 3 Analyze Sources Target 4 Use Evidence Target 5 Language/Vocabulary Target 6 Edit/Clarify Target 7 Technology 11/22/2018
Assessment Toolbox Each Standard has an assigned Depth of Knowledge or DOK DOKs Depth of Knowledge Norman Webb (1997) developed a process and criteria for aligning standards and standardized assessments and curricular alignment based upon the cognitive demands or depth of knowledge required to complete a task. Webb’s identified Cognitive Demands are the four Depths of Knowledge Levels (DOK). DOK levels are determined by task complexity. 1 Recall and Reproduction Requires recall of information, such as a fact, definition, term, or performance of a simple process or procedure. 3 Reasoning and Thinking Requires deep understanding exhibited through planning, using evidence, and more demanding cognitive reasoning. We’ve also talked about, Depths of Knowledge or DOK levels. Each standard has an assigned DOK Level that is assessed. 2 Skills and Concepts Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps. 4 Extended Thinking Requires connections and extensions, high cognitive demands and complex reasoning . 11/22/2018
The Pacing Guides list each Common Core State Standard’s assigned Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level. Grade 4: Literary Text (RL) and DOKs Informational Text (RI) and DOKs Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Grade 4 1,2 2,3 3,4 N/A DOK 1 Blue DOK 2 Green DOK 4 Red DOK 3 Orange The Depth of Knowledge Levels for each grade level was added to the third quarter pacing guides (page 3). They are color coded. Originally the highest DOK for each standard was listed on a quick view document you were given. This is the level to reach toward. However, standards may have more than one DOK level as listed on this slide. Both are listed as a reference that some standards may need to start further back for pre-requisite learning. There are no CCSS Reading Standards listed as having only a DOK of 1. Standards with a DOK of 1 are listed as DOK 1,2. The highest level of cognitive demand for those standards would be considered a “2.” 11/22/2018
Know Your Reading Standards Reading Informational Standards Planning Sheet for Assessment and Instruction Reading Claim #1 – Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. R.I. Standards Quarter 4 RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect RI.3.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. RI.3.9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. SBAC STANDARD CLAIMS Reading, Claim #1 – Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts Writing, Claim #2 – Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Speaking and Listening, Claim #3 – Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Research, Claim #4 – Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate and present information. Standards Connection Standards 3, 6, and 9 are connected in Quarter 4 Units of Study, by historical texts. Students connect events to time, sequence and cause/effect. They study a famous person’s point of view in a historical text. They compare and contrast key ideas and important points. Kid Language I Can… describe a character’s traits, motivations or feelings. explain how a character’s actions contributed to a sequence of events . explain a character’s point of view. tell my own point of view and how it is the same or different than a character or narrator. compare and contrast stories by the same author. compare and contrast themes, settings and plots of two or more stories written by the same author with similar or same characters . The first step in creating assessment is knowing our standards. Beginning with our reading standards – we look at resources and tools to gain a deeper understanding of each literary and informational standard. Assessment Targets 8. KEY DETAILS: Use explicit details and implicit information from the text to support answers or inferences about information presented. 11. REASONING & EVIDENCE: Use supporting evidence to interpret and explain how information is presented or connected within or across texts (author’s point of view, ideas and supporting details, relationships) DOK Level 2 Skills and Concepts: Students will use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps 3 Reasoning: Students will plan using evidence, and deep demanding cognitive reasoning. 4 Extended Thinking: Students connect and extend (high cognitive demands and complex reasoning ). 11/22/2018
Know Your Reading Standards Reading Informational Standards Planning Sheet for Assessment and Instruction Reading Claim #1 – Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. R.I. Standards Quarter 4 RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect RI.3.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. RI.3.9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. Kid Language I Can… tell about a famous person I’ve read about in two or more texts explain the historical event the person is connected to describe the development of events in terms of time and sequence describe causes and effects of events explain an author’s point of view tell my own point of view and how it is the same or different than an author compare and contrast information from two or more texts compare and contrast specific key details and important points about a famous person from two or more texts Connection Standards 3, 6, and 9 are connected in Quarter 4 Units of Study, by historical texts. Students connect events to time, sequence and cause/effect. They study a famous person’s point of view in a historical text. They compare and contrast key ideas and important points. Assessment Targets 8. KEY DETAILS: Use explicit details and implicit information from the text to support answers or inferences about information presented. 11. REASONING & EVIDENCE: Use supporting evidence to interpret and explain how information is presented or connected within or across texts (author’s point of view, ideas and supporting details, relationships) DOK Level 2 Skills and Concepts: Students will use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps 3 Reasoning: Students will plan using evidence, and deep demanding cognitive reasoning. 4 Extended Thinking: Students connect and extend (high cognitive demands and complex reasoning ). YOUR TURN A completed “Know Your Reading Standards” form. This form provides information we need to write instructional IFA’s and CFAs. 11/22/2018
Learning Progressions ASSESSMENT Learning Progressions Standards Common Formative Assessment Toolbox Common Formative Part I Common Core Standards Part II Common Formative Assessments Assessment Overview Add here CFA flying out….as a tool a. Scope and Sequence 11/22/2018
ASSESSMENT Common Formative Assessments on the Assessment Framework come after Units of Study are completed. 11/22/2018
Progress Monitoring with Learning Progressions Common Formative Assessments CFAs Assessment Toolbox CFA Developed by Teachers Measures Probability (of students performance of literary understanding on interim assessments). Format of State Assessment SR CR PT TE CFA Informational Text Reading Assessment Targets 8. Key Details (RI.3.3) 11. Reasoning and Thinking (RI.3.6, RI.3.9) Writing Assessment Target Informational Writing (W.2) Learning Objectives Standard RI.3 Standard RI.6 Standard RI.9 IFA Informational Text Progress Monitoring with Learning Progressions Dayle – Holly’s Background info. can go here…. Informational Read to Write W.2 Model Writing Plan Revise Edit Present 11/22/2018
When Do We Give the CFA? Each Quarter Common Formative Assessments Assessment Toolbox Assessment Overview a. Scope and Sequence Scope and Sequence Common Formative Assessment Scope and Sequence will follow the HSD Pacing Guides. Assessment Toolbox When Do We Give the CFA? Each Quarter Option #1 After Reading Literature Units of Study Option #1 After Informational Units of Study The Common Formative Assessments can be given in two parts, (i.e., as a “Reading Literature” CFA after the Units of Study 1, 2 and 3) and then again as an Informational Text CFA after the Units of Study 4, 5 and 6. This would be two CFA’s in a 9 week period but would shorten the length of each CFA. Option 2 is to wait until all Reading Literature and Informational Text Units of Study are completed and give one longer CFA at the end of each quarter. Option #2 After both Literature and Informational Units of Study 11/22/2018
Common Formative Assessments 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 7RL 8RI 9 Assessment Overview a. Quarter 4 - Scope and Sequence Assessment Toolbox CFA Reading Standards Scope and Sequence Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Reading Literature Informational Text 1 2 3 5 6 7 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 4 7RL 8RI 9 CFA Writing Standards Scope and Sequence Note: Informational Writing with Research is Grade-Specific on Pacing Guides. Quarter 1 Writing with Reading Literature Opinion Writing Quarter 2 Narrative Writing Writing with Informational Text Informational Writing Quarter 3 Reading Standards Quarter 4 The standards assessed during each quarter for reading literary (3 standards) and reading informational text (3 standards) follow the pacing guides. The writing standard (1 standard) also follows the pacing guide. 11/22/2018
Learning Progressions ASSESSMENT Learning Progressions Standards Common Formative Assessment Toolbox Common Formative Part I Common Core Standards Part II Common Formative Assessments Assessment Overview Add here CFA flying out….as a tool a. Scope and Sequence Reading Assessment a. Assessment Targets b. Selected Response Questions 11/22/2018
Common Core State Standards Informational Text Grade 4 Common Core State Standards Informational Text CCSS RI.4.3 In which SBAC Target do I belong – MORE THAN ONE RI.4.10 RI.4.3 RI.4.3 RI.4.8 RI.4.2 RI.4.9 CCSS RI.4.2 In which SBAC Target do I belong?? RI.4.7 RI.4.1 RI.4.6 RI.4.4 RI.4.5 CCSS RI.4.1 In which SBAC Target do I belong?? CCSS Assigned Summative Assessment Targets by content demand. RI.4.9 RI.4.7 RI.4.10 Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity overarched all standards. RI.4.3 RI.4.3 RI.4.9 RI.4.7 RI.4.3 SBAC Target 8 Key Details SBAC Target 9 Central Ideas SBAC Target 10 Word Meanings SBAC Target 11 Reasoning & Evaluation SBAC Target 12 Analysis Within & Across Texts SBAC Target 13 Text Structures & Features SBAC Target 14 Language Use DOK 1 & 2 DOK 2 DOK 1 & 2 DOK 3 & 4 DOK 2 & 3 DOK 2 DOK 2 & 3
Grade 3 Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment a. Assessment Targets Daily instructional assessments (IFAs) scaffold and assess each individual standard. Common Formative Assessments measure the reading Assessment Targets. Assessment targets have one or more standards being assessed. Literature Assessment Targets Standards 1. Key Details 1, 3 2. Central Ideas 2 3. Word Meanings 4 4. Reasoning and Evidence 2,3,6 5. Analysis within/across Texts 9 6. Text Structures and Features 5,7 7. Language Use Grade 3 Informational Assessment Targets Standards 8.. Key Details 1, 3 9. Central Ideas 2 10. Word Meanings 4 11. Reasoning and Evidence 6,8,9 12. Analysis within/across Texts 9 13. Text Structures and Features 5,7 14. Language Use L5 Different per grade – fly in SBAC form again as a resource 11/22/2018
CFA Reading Standards Scope and Sequence Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment a. Assessment Targets Each Reading Assessment Target: Will have a minimum of…. 3 Selected Responses 1 Constructed Response Grade 3 CFA Reading Standards Scope and Sequence Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Reading Literature Informational Text 1 2 3 5 6 7 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 4 7RL 8RI 9 Informational Assessment Targets Standards 8. Key Details 1, 3 11. Reasoning and Evidence 6,8,9 Grade 3 – Quarter 4 has Two Assessment Targets. 11. Key Details, and 14. Reasoning and Evidence Standard 1 is overarching. Standard 8 was taught in Quarter 3 and is also part of the assessment target. 11/22/2018
Stimulus 2. Stem 3. Options 4. Distractors Reading Assessment b. Selected Response Common Formative Assessments Components of a Selected Response… Stimulus 2. Stem 3. Options 4. Distractors Grade 3 Informational Assessment Targets Standards 1. Key Details 1, 3 4. Reasoning and Evidence 6,8,9 Quarter Four Informational Standards RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 Quarter Four Assessment Targets RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 In Claim 1 targets 4, 5, 6, and 7 have a secondary target of target 1 and targets 11, 12, 13, and 14 have the secondary target of target 8. 11/22/2018 The following informational assessment SBAC sample assesses Key Details: Standards 1 and 3.
2. Stem 1. Stimulus 3. Options 4. Distractors Reading Assessment b. Selected Response Common Formative Assessments Target: Key Details 2. Stem Project Mercury Project Mercury was a NASA program. It launched the first Americans into space. Astronauts made six flights during the Mercury project. Two of those went to space and came right back down. Four of them went into orbit and circled Earth. NASA chose seven astronauts for Project Mercury in 1959. It was one of the first things NASA did. NASA was only six months old. Before astronauts flew, NASA had test flights. People were not on these launches. The flights let NASA find and fix problems. The first Atlas rocket that launched with a Mercury capsule exploded. The first Mercury-Redstone launch only went about four inches off the ground. NASA learned from these problems. NASA learned how to fix them. NASA made the rockets safer. Three other "astronauts" also helped make Mercury safer. A rhesus monkey, Sam, and two chimpanzees, Ham and Enos, flew in Mercury capsules. Enos even made two orbits around Earth. NASA learned a lot from Project Mercury. NASA learned how to put people in orbit. It learned how people could live and work in space. NASA learned how to fly a spacecraft. These lessons were very important. NASA used them in later space projects. 1. Stimulus Item Stem: 1. Which sentence from the text shows that NASA made sure Mercury was safe for humans? Options: “Astronauts made six flights during the Mercury project.” “NASA chose seven astronauts for Project Mercury in 1959.” “Before astronauts flew, NASA had test flights.” “NASA learned a lot from Project Mercury.” 3. Options A.DISTRACTOR: This option is a sentence from the text about the number of missions, not about safety precautions. B. DISTRACTOR: This option is a sentence from the passage about the number of astronauts, not about safety precautions. C. CORRECT: This is the sentence in the text that shows that NASA made sure Mercury was safe for humans before they flew. D. DISTRACTOR: : This option is a sentence from the text about the value of the missions, Note: The ability to refer to details and examples in support of claims, inferences and conclusions is so central to reading that Reading Standard 1 is considered a component of each of the summative assessment targets set forth for Claim #1. 4. Distractors 11/22/2018
Guidelines for Writing SR Questions Common Formative Assessments Guidelines for Writing SR Questions Traditionally known as multiple choice questions 1. Stems should Present a Complete Problem so that students know what to do before looking at the options; students should not need to read all options before knowing what is expected. ensure that most of the words are in the stem. 2. Write to the Cognitive Demand You can go beyond recall by asking learners to interpret facts, evaluate situations, explain cause and effect, make inferences, and predict results. 3. Distractors should help understand students’ common misunderstandings of a concept. 4. All Options Should be Plausible and there must be a correct or best answer. 5. All Options Should be Similar in Length and Syntax ( including the correct response). Students should not be able to rule out a wrong answer or identify a correct response solely because it looks or sounds different from the other options. 6. All Options Should be Arranged According to a Logical Order (e.g., vocabulary words, details, or quotations from the passage should follow the order used in the text). 7. Grades 3–5 Stems Should be in the Form of a Question. An open stem, however, may be used if doing so will reduce wordiness and repetition Grades 6–11 Permit Open-Ended Stems, and there should be a variety of stem types. The decision for choosing open or closed stems should be based on ease of reading and clarity. 11/22/2018
Common Formative Assessments Depth of Knowledge: 2 Students will use information or conceptual knowledge and two or more steps to answer a question. Standard Conversion to Question: Read the Standard: RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect . RI.3.3 Item Stem: What best explains the relationship between Project Mercury’s success and the test flights? Change the standard to a single question with only the addition of a few words. Write three distractors and one correct answer. a) NASA chose seven astronauts for Project Mercury in 1959. b) The test flights let NASA find and fix problems. c) Three monkeys flew in Mercury’s capsules. d) Enos made two orbits around the Earth. 11/22/2018
Standard Conversion to Question: Selected Response Depth of Knowledge: Target: Key Details Standard Conversion to Question: Place the standard here: RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect . Change the standard to a question with the addition of only a few words. RI.3.3 What best explains the relationship between Project Mercury’s success and the test flights? Write three distractors and one correct answer. a) NASA chose seven astronauts for Project Mercury in 1959. b) The test flights let NASA find and fix problems c). Three monkeys flew in Mercury’s capsules. d) Enos made two orbits around the Earth 11/22/2018
YOUR TURN Selected Response Standard Conversion to Question: Depth of Knowledge: Target: Key Details Standard Conversion to Question: Place the standard here: RI.3.3 Change the standard to a question with the addition of only a few words. YOUR TURN RI.3.3 Write three distractors and one correct answer. a) b) c). d) 11/22/2018
Learning Progressions ASSESSMENT Learning Progressions Standards Common Formative Assessment Toolbox Common Formative Part I Common Core Standards Part II Common Formative Assessments Assessment Overview Add here CFA flying out….as a tool a. Scope and Sequence Reading Assessment a. Assessment Targets b. Selected Response Questions c. Constructed Response Questions 11/22/2018
CFA Reading Standards Scope and Sequence Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response Each Reading Assessment Target: Will have a minimum of…. 3 Selected Responses 1 Constructed Response Grade 3 CFA Reading Standards Scope and Sequence Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Reading Literature Informational Text 1 2 3 5 6 7 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 4 7RL 8RI 9 Informational Assessment Targets Standards 8. Key Details 1, 3 12. Reasoning and Evidence 6,8,9 Grade 3 – Quarter 4 has Two Assessment Targets. 11. Key Details, and 14. Reasoning and Evidence Standard 1 is overarching. Standard 8 was taught in Quarter 3 and is also part of the assessment target. 11/22/2018
1. Stem 2. Scoring Information Components of a Constructed Response… Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response Components of a Constructed Response… 1. Stem 2. Scoring Information a. Rubric b. Scoring Notes c. Sample Responses Grade 3 Informational Assessment Targets Standards 8. Key Details 1, 3 12. Reasoning and Evidence 6,8,9 Quarter Four Informational Standards RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 Quarter Four Assessment Targets RI.3.3 RI.3.6 RI.3.9 11/22/2018
1. Stem Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response 1. Stem Item Prompt (Stem): Write a paragraph explaining what lessons NASA learned from Project Mercury. Explain why these lessons were important. Project Mercury Project Mercury was a NASA program. It launched the first Americans into space. Astronauts made six flights during the Mercury project. Two of those went to space and came right back down. Four of them went into orbit and circled Earth. NASA chose seven astronauts for Project Mercury in 1959. It was one of the first things NASA did. NASA was only six months old. Before astronauts flew, NASA had test flights. People were not on these launches. The flights let NASA find and fix problems. The first Atlas rocket that launched with a Mercury capsule exploded. The first Mercury-Redstone launch only went about four inches off the ground. NASA learned from these problems. NASA learned how to fix them. NASA made the rockets safer. Three other "astronauts" also helped make Mercury safer. A rhesus monkey, Sam, and two chimpanzees, Ham and Enos, flew in Mercury capsules. Enos even made two orbits around Earth. NASA learned a lot from Project Mercury. NASA learned how to put people in orbit. It learned how people could live and work in space. NASA learned how to fly a spacecraft. These lessons were very important. NASA used them in later space projects. Target: Key Details RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect 11/22/2018
2. Scoring Information 3 a. Rubric 2 1 Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response 2. Scoring Information a. Rubric 3 The response: • gives essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt • addresses many aspects of the task and provides sufficient relevant evidence to support development • is focused and organized, consistently addressing the purpose, audience, and task • includes sentences of varied length and structure 2 • gives some of the elements of an interpretation of the prompt • addresses some aspects of the task and provides some evidence to support development • has a focus but lacks strong organization and inconsistently addresses the purpose, audience, and task. • includes sentences of somewhat varied length and structure 1 • gives minimal elements of an interpretation of the prompt • addresses few aspects of the task and provides little relevant evidence to support development. • lacks focus and organization and generally does not address the purpose, audience, and task. • includes sentences with little variety in length and structure The response does not meet any of the criteria. 11/22/2018
2. Scoring Information b. Scoring Notes Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response 2. Scoring Information b. Scoring Notes The Response may include, but is not limited to: NASA learned a lot from many test flights preparing for Project Mercury. People were not on the test flights because it might have been dangerous. One Mercury capsule exploded and one only went four inches off the ground. They learned from problems during the test flights. They made the rockets safer. The first astronauts were three chimpanzees. NASA learned how to make the rockets so safe that seven Americans were chosen to go into space. 11/22/2018
2. Scoring Information c. Sample Responses 3 2 1 Common Formative Assessments Reading Assessment c. Constructed Response 2. Scoring Information c. Sample Responses 3 NASA learned a lot from many test flights preparing for Project Mercury. People were not on the test flights because it might have been dangerous. One Mercury capsule exploded and one only went four inches off the ground. They learned from problems during the test flights. They made the rockets safer. The first astronauts were three chimpanzees. NASA learned how to make the rockets so safe that seven Americans were chosen to go into space. 2 NASA learned from Project Mercury. They had test flights to learn from. Sometimes it wasn’t safe because a rocket exploded. Rockets should be safe. Finally they got it right. 1 The rockets were not safe. The astronauts could not fly. The monkeys were hungry. 11/22/2018
Constructed Response a. Item Prompt (Stem):Write a paragraph explaining what lessons NASA learned from Project Mercury. Explain why these lessons were important. b. Scoring Notes:NASA learned a lot from many test flights preparing for Project Mercury. People were not on the test flights because it might have been dangerous. One Mercury capsule exploded and one only went four inches off the ground. They learned from problems during the test flights. They made the rockets safer. The first astronauts were three chimpanzees. NASA learned how to make the rockets so safe that seven Americans were chosen to go into space. 3 Sample Response NASA learned a lot from many test flights preparing for Project Mercury. People were not on the test flights because it might have been dangerous. One Mercury capsule exploded and one only went four inches off the ground. They learned from problems during the test flights. They made the rockets safer. The first astronauts were three chimpanzees. NASA learned how to make the rockets so safe that seven Americans were chosen to go into space. 2 NASA learned from Project Mercury. They had test flights to learn from. Sometimes it wasn’t safe because a rocket exploded. Rockets should be safe. Finally they got it right 1 The rockets were not safe. The astronauts could not fly. yhe monkeys were hungry. 11/22/2018
YOUR TURN 3 2 1 Constructed Response a. Item Prompt (Stem): b. Scoring Notes: YOUR TURN 3 Sample Response 2 1 11/22/2018
Learning Progressions ASSESSMENT Learning Progressions Standards Common Formative Assessment Toolbox Common Formative Part I Common Core Standards Part II Common Formative Assessments Assessment Overview a. Scope and Sequence Add here CFA flying out….as a tool Reading Assessment a. Assessment Targets b. Selected Response Questions c. Constructed Response Questions 11/22/2018
Coming Attractions… Part III Common Formative Assessments Assessment Toolbox Part III Common Formative Assessments a. Writing Assessment Targets b. Performance Tasks The main purpose of performance tasks (PT) is to address complex targets from multiple claims that require analytical thinking, evaluations and support of students’ own responses to texts. Smarter Balanced ELA Item and Task Specifications Add here CFA flying out….as a tool 11/22/2018
Resources To access these web links, view this power point as a “show Item and Task Specifications for ELA SBAC Content Specifications for Summative ELA More info. on how claims were developed with CCSS Determining Assessment Criteria based on CCSS David Coleman working with CCSS to determine assessment claims and targets. Assessment Stimulus Specifications (materials used) Smarter Balanced assessments are similar to and different from stimuli used in traditional assessments. These guidelines will provide parameters for stimulus use. Four Types of Assessments Understanding SR (selected response), CR (constructed response), PT (performance tasks) and TE (technology enhanced) test types. ECD Evidence Centered Design Understanding the concept of Evidence Centered Design (sometimes known as Evidenced Based Design). Claims and Targets for Literary and Informational Text A list of grade 4, 8 and 11 claims and targets can be used for any grade in elementary, middle and high school by replacing grade level standards. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Home Page Many links about everything SBAC! Text Complexity Rubrics to assess text complexity in literary and informational text. An archived list of children’s books This list is deemed exemplary by the American Library Association. 2013 Susan Gendron SBAC Presentation 11/22/2018