Chinese Tea Culture -
The details about Chinese Tea Culture 1.The Classification (类别)of Chinese Tea 2.The Introduction of Tea Sets(茶具) 3.Chinese Teaism (茶道) 4.Custom in Tea drinking
1.The Classification of Chinese Tea According to the degree of fermentation (培养,发酵)[ˌfɜ:men'teɪʃn] ,Chinese teas can be roughly classified into six species: Green Tea Yellow Tea White Tea Oolong Tea Dark Tea Black Tea low The degree of fermentation high
Green Tea Green tea is one of the most common tea we can see in our daily life. The Chinese have known about the medical benefits of green tea since ancient time, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. (抑郁症)
Yellow tea The leaves of yellow tea is brownish(呈褐色的)[ˈbraʊnɪʃ] yellow and enveloped(笼罩). It’s water is also yellow. When you feel happy, drinking some yellow tea, you will feel the pleasant taste always around you.
White Tea White tea belongs to one of the slightly fermented(发酵的)tea. It gets the name from the white bud- leaf (白芽叶)looking like silver (银色)[‘sɪlvə(r)] color.
Oolong tea Oolong ['u:lɒŋ] tea is also called wulong or wu-long tea. They are all the same tea. Oo means Black. Long means Dragon. So the word oolong means Black Dragon.
Dark Tea Dark tea has iron black and enveloped leaves. It is the tea for morning, refreshing ,making you be waked.
Black Tea The most essential (比不可少的)[ɪ‘senʃl] character of black tea is red tea water, red leaves and sugariness(糖制)[’ʃʊgərɪnɪs]。 The color of dry black tea is red with black, so that “Black Tea” in English means “the black tea”.
2.The Introduction of Tea Sets A brief introduction Some pictures to enjoy
A Brief Introduction of Tea Sets The word "Tea set " first appeared in the Han Dynasty. “ Tea set” often appears in the Tang poems. The development of Tea Sets resulted from the development of the means of making tea.
All Kinds of Tea Sets Teacup Seven things Chazhan Teapot Saucer 茶碟[ˈsɔ:sə(r)】 Tea tray茶盘 A full set Note:“seven things” consist of Chaze,Bige,teaspoon,tea net,tea clamp and tea needle.蔡兹,璧合,茶匙,茶,茶和茶针夹网
Classifications Porcelain 【ˈpɔ:səlɪn 】 Tea Sets(瓷壶) Purple Sand Tea Sets White tea set
Muyu Stone Tea Sets Lacquerware(油漆)Tea Sets ['lækəweə]
Bamboo Tea Sets Enamel Tea Sets (搪瓷)[ɪ'næml]
Glass Tea Sets Metal Tea Sets
3.Chinese Teaism (Chadao) Chinese Tea Ceremony (Narrow meaning of Chadao, which mainly aims at tea art show) Chinese Teaism (general meaning of Chadao, which mainly focus on the philosophical significance and spirit, that is the cultural connotation tea ceremony stands for. )
Chinese Tea Ceremony Chinese tea art is not only the combination of tea and art, but also an art of life. The tea art includes : choosing the tea, selecting the water, tea technology, tea set art, choosing and creating the environment and so on.
Making Tea Heating cups.(温具) Setting tea.(置茶) Washing tea.(洗茶) Drinking and enjoying the tea.(品茶)
Chinese teaism The chadao integrates(集成) the philosophy,(哲学)【fə‘lɒsəfɪ 】 ethics(伦理), [’eθɪks] the morals(道德)【‘mɒrəl 】 in the tea matter activity. Drinking tea can help people mold(模具) the character, cultivate the morality(修身), taste the life and grasp the truth,(品味生活,把握真理) and achieve in the spiritual enjoyment. (在精神享受现实) 茶 “He” The core philosophy of Chinese chadao. “Calm” The key to achieving in Chinese chadao. “Joy” The enjoyment of Chinese tea makers. “Real” The ultimate pursues of Chinese chadao. 道
4.Custom in Tea Drinking To show respect
To pass on the tradition (Guangdong : custom of tea as bride –Price聘礼)
To express thanks to the elders on one’s wedding day
To apologize
Other Uses of Tea Making tea-flawred [flɔ:d] egg 茶叶蛋
Making tealeaf pillow
Making candy
Washing silk clothes
Driving out mosquitoes [mə'ski:təʊ]
Washing hair
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