Environmental Issues: Background and Attitudes Econ 428 Environmental Issues: Background and Attitudes
1. Pollution is bad, recycling is good. A. Strongly agree B. Mildly agree C. Not sure D. Mildly disagree E. Strongly disagree
2. The quality of the air and water in the United States has deteriorated over the last 30 years because of increased pollution. A. Strongly agree B. Mildly agree C. I have no idea what has happened to U.S. air and water quality D. Mildly disagree E. Strongly disagree
3. Rich countries, like the U. S. and those in 3. Rich countries, like the U.S. and those in Europe, are larger polluters than poor countries but have invested more resources to control their pollution. A. Strongly agree B. Mildly agree C. I have no idea what to think about this D. Mildly disagree E. Strongly disagree
4. In a market economy, government intervention is necessary to prevent degradation of air and water quality. A. Strongly agree B. Mildly agree C. I have no idea what to think about this D. Mildly disagree E. Strongly disagree
5. If the EPA wants to reduce the total emissions of an air pollutant by 10% a good way to accomplish this is to require each polluter to cut its emissions by 10%. A. Strongly agree B. Mildly agree C. I have no idea what to think about this D. Mildly disagree E. Strongly disagree
6. Which of the following statements on global climate change do you agree with? A. Global warming is largely a natural phenomenon and is not the result of human activity. B. If humans do not alter their consumption patterns, the impact of climate change will be felt virtually everywhere in the world by 2050. C. An immediate, permanent 50% reduction in U.S. emissions of greenhouse gas today would have no effect on climate change in the next 20 years. D. A “cap and trade” system is a better way to control carbon dioxide emissions than a tax on carbon. E. I don’t know what a “cap and trade” system is.
7. To reduce U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions resulting from burning gasoline, the best economic policy for the President and Congress to pursue is to (choose one): A. Raise automobile fuel economy standards B. Increase the tax on gasoline. C. Require automobile companies to introduce non-polluting hydrogen cars D. Give subsidies to automobile companies to introduce non-polluting hydrogen cars E. Do nothing, market forces will achieve reductions
8. To reduce the U. S. contribution to global climate change, 8. To reduce the U.S. contribution to global climate change, I would be willing to (choose all you agree with): A. Pay a 50 cent per gallon gasoline tax to subsidize green energy sources. B. Pay a 50 cent per gallon gasoline tax but use the money to reduce income or payroll taxes. Pay 10% higher income taxes to subsidize green energy sources. I am not willing to pay anything but would like the federal government to subsidize green energy sources. E. I am not willing to pay anything and do not want the government spending tax money on green energy.