MS In Engineering Management University of Missouri–Rolla Cihan H. Dagli University of Missouri-Rolla 11/22/2018
Background University of Missouri-Rolla Engineering Management Department grants BS, MS, and PhD Degrees in Engineering Management Redesigned Distance Based MS degree Program to be delivered at Los Angeles, Mesa, Puget Sound, St. Louis ,Wichita through internet and through satellite at selected Boeing sites. Locations Maui, Philadelphia, Houston and Huntsville are expected in Summer and Fall, 2000. 11/22/2018
Modes of Delivery On Campus 377 NOTES UMR 11/22/2018 Modes of Delivery On Campus Live on the Internet at Student’s Desk at Work or at Home Archived Delivery on the Internet Satellite at Equipped Boeing Sites Archived Delivery on CD VHS Tape Delivery 11/22/2018
Engineering Management Web Site 377 NOTES UMR 11/22/2018 Engineering Management Web Site 11/22/2018
The Basics Students take the 4 basic Engineering Management courses Take two courses from other engineering disciplines and a Systems Engineering Course Select 3 courses from one of the 8 Specialty Track Courses 11/22/2018
The Basics No comprehensive exam or thesis required Degree awarded on the basis of grades UMR Engineering Management Department Director of Academic Affairs approve student’s course of study 11/22/2018
Course Structure Basic Courses: Emgt 361 Project Management Emgt 314 Management for Engineers Emgt 408 Advanced Engineering Economy or Emgt 452 Advanced Financial Management Emgt 441 Case Studies in General Management 11/22/2018
Course Structure Systems and Other Engineering Discipline Courses: Emgt 368 Systems Engineering Analysis I Six credit hours of Out of Department Courses 11/22/2018
Course Structure Selected Specialty Track Courses Three hours of 400 level course Six hours of 300 level courses 11/22/2018
Specialization Tracks Computational Intelligence Track Integrated Enterprise Track Human Factors Track Manufacturing Systems Track Technology Management Track Engineering Design and Automation Track Quality Engineering Track Economic Decision Analysis Track 11/22/2018
UMR Contacts Cihan Dagli 377 NOTES UMR 11/22/2018 UMR Contacts Cihan Dagli Engineering Management Department Director of Academic Affairs (573) 341-4374 Krista Chambers, Degree Program Coordinator (573) 341-4990) Fax (573) 341-6990 11/22/2018