Mrs. Wright Eighth Grade Reading Classroom Procedures Mrs. Wright Eighth Grade Reading
Entering the Classroom Enter the room quietly Sharpen your pencils Turn your homework in Get your materials Go directly to your seat Begin work immediately Student of the week needs to take role and get folders of absent students
Tardy When you are tardy, enter the classroom quietly and be seated. Raise your hand and I will come to your desk to retrieve your pass.
When You are Absent You are responsible for missing work Check your folder for make-up work You will have 2 days to complete the missing work If you are planning on being absent, notify the teacher ASAP to get the assignments beforehand
Student of the Week Each week a student will be randomly selected to act as student of the week The student will take role and put absent classmates’ folders on desks The student will run errands and collect papers The student will receive a homework pass, candy pass or extra credit on a test for his or her role.
Bell Work Read the bell work assignment on the board Begin working on assignment in your journal If you don’t understand, quietly ask your neighbor for help When you finish your assignment, wait for further instructions.
When I Need to Get Your Attention I will stand in front of the class with my hand held up. I will say “Give me Five” I expect all students to do the following: 1. Have eyes on the teacher 2. Be quiet 3. Be still 4. Hands free 5. Listen
Asking a question or participating in class discussions Raise your hand Wait to be called on Ask your question or give your comment succinctly
Classroom Rules Be on time to each class and bring materials to class every day. Keep your hands and feet and other objects to yourselves. Be honest, courteous and respectful to others at all times. Follow all teacher and school rules along with given instructions. Strive to do your best at all times.
Consequences Verbal reminder Verbal reprimand Change of seating Isolation Parent contact/written/phone Work in another room Silent lunch Parent conference After School Detention Discipline referral
Rewards Praise Good Grades Positive Phone Call Joy of Learning Treats – Candy Pass Homework Pass Classroom Activity – Movie Games Crafts
Dismissal The teacher dismisses the class, not the clock or the bell Exit quietly Say goodbye to the teacher and other students