SCB- Europe Hungarian Chapter 1 SCB- Europe Hungarian Chapter General Activities Our Chapter promotes knowledge-transfer, networking and education of conservation professionals and students through organizing meetings, events and trainings. We aim to involve as many scientists, policy makers and conservation practitioners as possible from Hungary and the neighbouring countries by setting the focus on emerging conservation issues such as ecosystem services, habitat restoration, traditional management methods. Who Are We We are conservation professionals and students with various areas of expertise like ecosystem services, landscape and restoration ecology, conservation management, species and habitat conservation. Our latest project In November 2014 SCB HC organised the 9thHungarian Conference of Conservation Biology together with the Hungarian Society of Biology. The conference seeked ways to connect different knowledge systems, discussed natioanl and international policies and the Natura 2000 implementation in Hungary. Ecosystems The Pannonian biogeographic region comprising Hungary and parts of the neighbouring countries harbours a unique diversity of species and habitats:. Typical wetlands, grasslands in the Pannonic region: Pannonic wooded steppes, sand steppes, salt steppes and marshes Photo: Péter Szenczi Photo: Márton Horváth