Christianity Let’s Compare!!!
Christianity: Time frame/Founder Time Frame: Began in the 1st Century AD as a Jewish sect. Founder: Jesus Christ 0-44 AD Dies Lives Born
Christianity: Basic Beliefs God: God is present in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Unique Beliefs: Jesus Christ is the son of God and the “Messiah” that is mentioned in the Old Testament. The death of Jesus, followed by his resurrection, is the most important event in history. Through faith in Jesus one can be saved from sin and death. Afterlife: They believe in a resurrection and afterlife.
Christianity: Scripture/Holy Cities/Places of Worship Scripture: New Testament, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. They also use Old Testament based on Jewish scripture. Holy Cities: Jerusalem, Galilee, and Bethlehem Places of worship: churches, cathedrals, temples, etc. 1 2 Jerusalem is the city where Christ preached and was later crucified (1) and resurrected (2).
Primary books of Scripture? Compare and Contrast the Three Religions that laid the foundations for America. Religion When was it founded? Who was it’s founder? Where was it founded? Primary books of Scripture? Primary Beliefs? Holy Cities? Judaism Christianity Islam
Primary books of Scripture? Compare and Contrast the Three Religions that laid the foundations for America. Religion When was it founded? Who was it’s founder? Where was it founded? Primary books of Scripture? Primary Beliefs? Holy Cities? Judaism 2000 BCE Abraham Israel Torah One God Chosen People Kosher Diet Jerusalem Christianity Islam
312 AD official Roman Faith Compare and Contrast the Three Religions that laid the foundations for America. Religion When was it founded? Who was it’s founder? Where was it founded? Primary books of Scripture? Primary Beliefs? Holy Cities? Judaism 2000 BCE Abraham Israel Torah One God Chosen People Kosher Diet Jerusalem Christianity 0 AD 312 AD official Roman Faith Jesus Christ Old Testament Torah) New Testament Trinity: Father Son Holy Ghost Resurrection Galilee Bethlehem Islam
Muhammad-LAST prophet Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem Compare and Contrast the Three Religions that laid the foundations for America. Religion When was it founded? Who was it’s founder? Where was it founded? Primary books of Scripture? Primary Beliefs? Holy Cities? Judaism 2000 BCE Abraham Israel Torah One God Chosen People Kosher Diet Jerusalem Christianity 0 AD 312 AD official Roman Faith Jesus Christ Old Testament (Torah) New Testament Trinity: Father Son Holy Ghost Resurrection Galilee Bethlehem Islam 570 AD 620 AD Muhammad-LAST prophet Middle East Iraq, Saudi Arabia Quŕan Allah Submission to God 5 Pillars Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
Similarities & Differences pg. 77 Islam Christianity Similarities Differences Judaism