Topic: The Reagan Revolution and the “New Right” (1980-1992) Do Now: "How can we not believe in the greatness of America? How can we not do what is right and needed to preserve this last best hope of man on earth? After all our struggles to restore America, to revive confidence in our country, hope for our future--after all our hard won victories earned through the patience and courage of every citizen--we cannot, must not and will not turn back. We will finish our job. How can we do less? We're Americans." -- President Ronald Reagan Interpret the significance of the above statement
Electoral Maps
Reagan on the Homefront 1980 Election Reagan vs. Carter “Morning in America” Reagan Conservatism “Small Government” “Religious Right” Tougher foreign policy Reagan Policies Reaganomics (Supply-Side Economics) Tax Cuts and 80s Prosperity Cutting Gov’t Programs De-Regulation Air Traffic Controller Strike Appointment of Rehnquist and O’Connor to SC
Reagan vs. Communism Gorbachev and Soviet Problems Economy Glasnost/Perestroika MTV problem Impact of Afghanistan Reagan, Thatcher, and the Pope Increase military spending and SDI (“Star Wars”) Reagan and Oil (Denying the Soviet “Pipeline” and The Middle East) Sends aid to the anti-communist Contras in Nicaragua (Sandinistas) Iran-Contra Affair “Tear down this wall…” Summit Meetings & START 1989: Berlin Wall falls 1991 USSR breaks down Cold War ends!
The Results of Communism’s Collapse Eastern European nations now free Reunification of Germany Soviet Union breaks into numerous nations, the largest being Russia Russia’s rough transition from Communism (Boris Yeltsin) Former eastern-bloc nations face political and economic problems (Especially in Bosnia) The US was the world’s only “Superpower”
How would you rank Reagan’s polices against other Presidents of the 20th century. Explain your rationale. Conclusion