Limited Objective Experiment 3 Major Paul Wilson Plans Branch Sea Viking Division
DO Concept DO is not about teams, dispersion, clandestine operations, or precision fires DO is about: Individual Marines Better trained, educated and equipped Marine small units Better trained, led, and equipped Decentralized decision making and execution Optimizing for Irregular Warfare and the GWOT
DO in Afghanistan Trained teams/units have demonstrated their value in “real world operations” 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion 3rd Marines Coordinated air strike in support of convoy under attack Distributed teams operated in a larger battle-space than their un-enhanced counterparts Controlling Joint Air Strikes Operating for “weeks” in the field during Operation Anaconda
Approach to Capability Development - LOE 1 & 2 have focused on SUET and equipment enhancement in weapons and communication. C2ISR LOE 1 & 2 Fires LOE 3 LOE 4 Comm Why are we doing this, Better train and equip our Marines to make them more capable in the today’s and tomorrow’s fight. But what do we mean by that? What methodology is being used, what training needs to be better and what gear needs to be improved? DO is about breaking down limitations. A unit will operate out to its physical limitations. A commander doesn’t send out forces beyond the point where they can be supported. There are 3 main physical limiting factors that we can address, Comm, Fires, and Logs / and 1 intangible – Human Performance. One thing to keep in mind is distribution and the depth of support/capabilities available – One can send out a squad 40 kilometers, but if they can only stay out there for a day and have 2 sorties available during a 1 hour window – what good does that do? Comm, at present – working to break this down Fires – attainability has been proven – it is sustainability that is the real issue. Logs – the focus for LOE 3 HP – related to everything. How do we duplicate experience? Locate – Close With – and Destroy / Cold War - GWOT Logs LOE 3 will focus on the LCE. Enhancement to training, organizing, and equipping the LCE. LOE 4 will continue LOE 3 program development coupled with company level C4ISR (next generation architecture)
Logistics Combat Element DO Sustainment Workshop, 8-9 Feb 2006 What are the ramifications of a DO Platoon remaining beyond its logistics culminating point? How would we sustain a DO Platoon that is foot mobile? Motorized? Given the concept of DO that stresses the geographical dispersion of small units, what can the MSSG do to tailor the CSS to the Marine NCO and below? Medevac considerations Maintenance and recovery plan of vehicles Common Skills Training/Individual Training Standards
Road Ahead Log-SUET (Logistics Small Unit Enhancement Training) Supply Distribution LTAs 1&2 Logistics Technology LTAs 1&2 Limited Objective Experiment 3
Limited Objective Experiment 3 Event Description Event Objective: 1. Assess solutions to the distribution of material to units operating per the emerging concept of DO. 2. Assess the impact of the training, equipment and organization of a LCE achieved as a result of CSSUET. Format/Activities: Live force on force simulated combat operations Participants: MCWL TECOM I MEF I&L DARPA/ONR* Date: 10-28 Sept 2007 Location: Camp Pendleton CA or MCAGCC 29 Palms CA Supported Campaign Objectives Continued development of capabilities in support of the emerging DO concept and transformation effort. Transition Goal and Product Training, organization and equipment recommendations to MCDC and MCSC. 1,285,000 TOTAL 100,000 CIE/IM DEVELOPMENT - 6MOS DOCUMENT (CONOP) SUPPORT 60,000 NETOPS/ISSEGUARD PROGRAM 250,000 ROUTER/SERVER/WIRELESS NETWORK EQUIPMENT 500,000 JTAS to JFACC to W-5 to BG ENGINEERING SUPPORT 125,000 1 ANALYSIS -6MOS NETWORK MLS CIE/IM ANALYSIS ESTIMATED COST All events leading up to JTFEX 04-01 execution (JAN 04). Includes CIE, IM, MLS and Networking. OCT-MAR 04 SPIRAL II