1AR 4 minutes for the win
Why it is a hard speech You must cover both the Neg Case and the key attacks on yours You must began to clarify the round for the judge You only have 4 minutes to answer 7 minutes.
Tasks of the 1AR Prepare the 2AR This means, among other things creating a compelling story (big picture!!) Recall your case thesis, this is the thesis of both the 1AR and the 2AR – remind the judge about it Every story has heroes and villains – so should yours. Use internal road mapping – tell the judge where you are and where you are going!
Clearing the Ground Tell the judge the single most important argument/reason you are winning the round Extend it, re-warrant it, re-impact it! Next clear away the negative case and rebuttals Often this means going down the flow, starting with the Value debate. You can say that you can also achieve their value Or you can also attack their V/VC!
Or you can also attack their V/VC! Basic values are interconnected, to achieve one we must necessarily pursue and achieve others in tandem. Sometimes historical experience can be helpful. Consider the relationship between peace and justice. The counter to is to reverse the direction of the priority. Pacifist argue that there is no way to peace , peace is the way . In other words pacifists ...argue for the priority of nonviolence as a precondition for justice on the basis of both political history and political psychology."
Arguing V/VC Quantity v. quality Intentions v consequences Great quantities of some values still do not outweigh even small violations of more fundamental values! Intentions v consequences Authority v analysis: Presumption of tradition The more universal a value proposition is, the more warrantable is an appeal to authority on its behalf.
Arguing V/VC Alasdair MacIntyre After Virture Impact – you can transform many topics into policy topic by arguing that if one cannot perform some required duty, then one cannot be required to do it. If I cannot swim, I have no obligation to save a drowning baby. What you are doing by arguing the V/VC is creating a “decision calculus” for judge.
Use Offensive responses ! Don’t say, Rehab doesn’t increase the rate of violent crime, try your best to show that Rehab drops the rate of violent crime. Sometimes you must simply prove an argument or rebuttal wrong, even if it is by using a simple negative argument, but this should not be the bulk of your 1AR
Coverage 1. Rarely can you cover everything – be selective – some arguments are more important than others. Remember you need to win access to a standard and single impacted and warranted contention to win the round. What about your opponent? Deny him the same. The issues you name and spend time on in the 1AR are the ones you will win with in the 2AR
How to select what to go for Arguments that develop and support your core story The most damaging arguments made by your opponent Issues that can serve multiple functions- Dropped arguments The most dramatic/rhetorically powerful arguments.
Winning the Battle of Perception Clarity, memorable wording/examples, themes DON’T go for to many arguments – it is confusing and counterproductive. Using “if you can’t buy that….” Word Economy!!! A final summation of the core of your position!