Outline Announcements Syllabus General Introduction to Computer Vision Background Applications Related areas
Visual Perception Modeling Announcements Textbook and class materials There is no textbook for you to buy for this class (The textbook will be published in Feb. 2001 and you can put an order from Amazon.com at $67.00 if you wish to) The textbook is available online and we will use some chapters from it I will make the papers from literature either available from the class web page or in hardcopy 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Announcements – cont. About this class In this class, I will present methodologies and techniques in computer vision research with potential applications You need to participate the class discussion by sharing your thinking and ideas Attendance is required and is part of the grading 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Announcements – cont. Research paper option You need to write two research papers for this class You need to present your papers to the class A research paper can be a literature review of a particular topic or a paper that is interesting to you You need to talk to me about your topics 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Announcements – cont. Programming assignment option You need to do a project that is interesting to you I will provide you some basic functions as reading/writing images, filtering, and other functions I have You need to write a report about your project, present and demonstrate your project to the class You need to give me an outline of your project before you start working on it 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
General Introduction to Visual Perception The process of acquiring knowledge about the environmental objects and events by extracting information from the light they emit or reflect Visual perception is a very complicated process, involving different processes such as memory Visual perception is the most useful source for information as about 50% of the brain is devoted to visual processing 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Visual Pathway 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Eye-Camera Analogy The eye is much like a camera Both form an upside-down image by admitting light through a variable-sized opening and focusing it on a two-dimensional surface using a transparent lens 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Illusion 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Illusion – cont. 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Ambiguous Figure 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling The goal of visual perception is to make assertions about the actual state of the surrounding world based on the limited and incomplete information encoded in the neural states 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception – cont. 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Computer Vision The goal is to design a computer system which makes inference from images or image sequences Produce a description of an image or an image sequence based on the numerical representation of images It is a very difficult problem 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Exercise #1 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Computer Vision Applications Military applications Automated target recognition 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Geographic Information from Images An image of Washington, D.C. area 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Medical Image Analysis Characterize different types of tissues in medical images for automated medical image analysis 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Computer Vision Applications – cont. Civilian applications Biometrics From faces, fingerprints, iris patterns ..... It has many applications such as ATM withdrawal, credit card managements ..... 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Computer Vision Applications – cont. Iris pattern recognition http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/jgd1000/iris_recognition.html Companies in several countries are now using these algorithms in a variety of products. Information about them can be found on the following websites: Iridian Technologies, USA IrisAccess LG Corp, South Korea IrisPass OKI Electric Industries, Japan EyeTicket Eyeticket Corporation, USA (ticketless air travel) NCR CashPoint Machines NCR Corp, UK Diebold ATMs Diebold Inc., USA British Telecommunications, UK The Nationwide Building Society, UK 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Computer Vision Applications – cont. 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Video Editing Blues screen technique Have the foreground subject video-graphed in front of an evenly lit monochromatic (blue or green) background Replace all the selected background in the picture with another background image 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Blue Screen Editing – cont. 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Video Sequence Analysis 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Face Recognition Given some examples of faces, identify a person under different pose, lighting, and expression conditions 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Object Recognition Examples of the COIL database 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Related Areas Computer Science Artificial intelligence Neural networks Pattern recognition Statistics Mathematics Psychology Physiology Neurophysiology 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling
Visual Perception Modeling Grand Challenge Computational models that can mimic biological perception Biological systems have available through their senses only very limited information about the external word How can an incomplete description, encoded within neural states, be sufficient to direct the survival and successful adaptive behavior of a living system? 11/22/2018 Visual Perception Modeling