Purpose To ascertain the effects of a pharmacological manipulation on ear development in Xenopus To assess motor output following the application of a stimulus
Part 1 Treated frog embryos (gastrulation) with different concentrations of drug and observed effects on ear development and size Drug (Vismodegib) blocks sonic hedgehog signaling, an important morphogen signal in development. Measured length of ears in both A-P and M-L orientations at tadpole stage
Results Part 1
Part 2 Wanted to see if our two main phenotypes had an effect on the escape response swimming behavior Reduced ear Increased musculature into the head Performed analysis of C-start escape response with high speed camera (control vs 6.25 µM Vismodegib) Looked at time to respond Looked at angle at maximum flexion
Results Part 2 Control Treated (6.25 µM vismodegib)
Results Part 2 Angle at Maximum Flexion