Soil Conservation
Does soil have any value? Soil is one of Earth’s most valuable natural resources everything that lives on land depends directly or indirectly on soil Plants depend on soil to live and grow (direct) Humans & animals depend on plants (indirect)
Soil Damage Value of soil reduced when topsoil lost due to erosion When soil exposed, water & wind can erode it Plant cover can protect soil from erosion
Soil Conservation The management of soil to prevent its destruction Three ways to conserve Contour Plowing – plow fields along curves or slope. Slows down runoff or excess water and prevents it from washing soil away
Conservation Plowing – disturb soil and its plant cover as little as possible Dead weeds/plants left from previous year so nutrients returned to soil & retains moisture
3. Crop Rotation – plants different crops in a field each year Different types of plants absorb different amounts of nutrients