familiar Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is familiar. Say it with me: familiar. Familiar means “well-known.” Our principal is familiar to everyone in our school. 2. En español, familiar quiere decir “conocido, familiar.” Todos los estudiantes conocen al rector o director. Para nosotros, el rector es familiar. 3. Familiar in English and familiar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at the picture. Can you name all the things on the tray? Of course you can. You know what they are and how people use them. All these things are familiar to you. Let’s name these familiar objects together: pencil, block, button, rock, spoon. 5. Stand with one of your classmates. When it is your turn, tell us about the friend standing with you using the sentence: I am familiar with ____________. 6. Choose an item in our classroom that you know how to use. You will have a chance to tell us what familiar object you have found and tell us what you know about it. 7. Now let’s say familiar together three more times: familiar, familiar, familiar. familiar
journey Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is journey. Say it with me: journey. A journey is a trip to another place. Journeys are often long. Someone might take a journey to another city or another country. 2. En español, journey quiere decir “una excursión a otro lugar, un viaje.” Los viajes muchas veces son largos. Uno puede hacer un viaje a otra ciudad o a otro país. 3. Now let’s look at the picture. The people on the train are taking a journey. They are not just going to the store in their neighborhood. They take a train because they are going far away. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner about a journey you took in the past. If you have not taken a journey, you can tell about an imaginary journey. 5. When you go on a journey, you pack a suitcase of things you need. You and your partner will play a game. First, you will say, “I am going on a journey, and I will take __________.” Name something you will put in your suitcase. Then your partner will say the same sentence and tell what he or she will take. Keep taking turns, until I ask you to stop. 6. Now let’s say journey together three more times: journey, journey, journey. journey
prepare Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is prepare. Say it with me: prepare. To prepare means “to get ready.” To prepare for school, children get dressed, eat breakfast, and pack up their books and supplies. 2. En español, to prepare quiere decir “alistarse, prepararse.” Los niños se visten, desayunan y empacan sus libros cuando se están preparando para ir al colegio. 3. To prepare in English and preparar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at the picture. A child is getting ready for school. To prepare for school, he packed food in this lunch box. When he gets to school, he will be ready. He will take the food out of the lunch box at recess and eat. 5. Choose a holiday you enjoy. Tell your partner what people do to prepare for that holiday. 6. Think of a food you have seen someone prepare. Explain to your partner how to prepare that food. 7. Now let’s say prepare together three more times: prepare, prepare, prepare. prepare
relax Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is relax. Say it with me: relax. To relax means “to rest and enjoy yourself.” After we work hard, we like to relax. We can take a nap to relax. We can read or play a game to relax. 2. En español, to relax quiere decir “descansar y reposar, relajarse.” Después de trabajar nos gusta relajarnos. Podemos tomar una siesta para relajarnos. Podemos jugar o leer para relajarnos. 3. To relax in English and relajar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word relax. We see a father and his children. They are not working. They are sitting outside on a sunny day. This is how they relax. MOVEMENT 5. Show me how you look when you relax. 6. I am going to name things that some people like to do to relax. If you like to relax doing the things I name, clap your hands. Playing ball Watching television Taking long walks Playing with toy cars Doing puzzles Reading comic books Jumping rope 7. Now let’s say relax together three more times: relax, relax, relax. relax
travel Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is travel. Say it with me: travel. To travel means “to go from one place to another place.” Some people travel to another place for fun. Other people travel because they have work to do in a place far from their home. 2. En español, to travel quiere decir “ir de un lugar a otro, viajar.” Algunas personas viajan a otros lugares para divertirse. Otras personas viajan porque tienen que trabajar lejos de la casa. 3. Now let’s look at the picture. The picture shows people who travel by car. Maybe there is a family in one of the cars. Maybe it is summer and they want to travel to a beach that is far away from their home. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner whether you think it is fun to travel or not. Tell why. 5. People sometimes send postcards to their friends and family when they travel. (Show a postcard, if possible, or draw one on the board.) You will draw a postcard for a place where you have traveled. It can be for somewhere close by or far away. Share your postcard with your partner. Tell about when you traveled to the place. 6. Now let’s say travel together three more times: travel, travel, travel. travel
on foot Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the phrase on foot when we talk about walking somewhere. Say it with me: on foot. If I took a little walk around the schoolyard, I would be on foot. 2. En español, on foot quiere decir “a pie, caminando.” Si doy un paseo por la escuela, me voy a pie. 3. This picture shows people traveling on foot. The family is walking through the woods. They are not on bikes. They are not in a car. They are taking a trip on foot. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. We will take a trip around our classroom on foot. Chant with me as we walk: We are taking a trip on foot. We can walk or we can run. We are having fun. (Repeat several times.) 5. I will tell you some places we could visit. If I name somewhere we can go on foot, start to walk in place and say, “on foot.” If we could not go to the place on foot because it is too far away, stay still and don’t say anything. our school library another country the playground. (Name several more places in your community and far from your community.) 6. Repeat the word three times with me: on foot, on foot, on foot. on foot
by train Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the phrase by train when we get on a train and go somewhere. Say it with me: by train. A train is something to travel on. It looks like this. (Draw a simple train and tracks on the board.) It does not go on a street like a car. It goes on a track. If I want to go somewhere that is too far to walk, I could go by train. 2. En español, by train quiere decir “en tren.” Podemos viajar en tren. Éste es un tren. (Dibuje un tren simple sobre sus rieles en el tablero.) No va por la calle como un carro. Corre sobre rieles. Si quiero ir a un lugar que queda demasiado lejos para ir a pie, podría ir en tren. 3. This picture shows the people traveling by train. The people are getting on a train. They will go inside the train and sit down. The train will start to go. At the end of the trip, the people will get off the train. They are going somewhere by train. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. The noise a train makes is “choo, choo!” Let’s pretend to take a trip around our classroom by train. Let’s start. Say, “Choo, choo!” as we go. (Stop.) Tell me what we did. (We took a trip by train.) 5. We take trains to go to faraway places. I will tell you some places we could visit. If I name somewhere we can go by train, say “by train.” If we would not go to the place by train because it is close by, stay still and don’t say anything. New York City The school gym The playground Canada 6. Repeat the word three times with me: by train, by train, by train. by train
boat Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. boat
jet Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. jet
trolley Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. trolley
rocket Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. rocket
wagon Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. wagon
helicopter Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. helicopter
Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 ROUTINE Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.