Digestive System Respiratory System Human Body Systems Circulatory System Heart 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Name the path of food once it has been chewed using the 4 main organs.
Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
In order for food to be absorbed into your body what type of breakdown must occur?
Mechanical and Chemical breakdown
What is the first thing that is most responsible for Mechanical Breakdown?
Teeth & Saliva
Chemical Breakdown occurs mostly in what two organs?
Stomach and Intestines
What is transported by blood, needed by every cell, and absorbed by the small intestine?
You breath in ____ & Breath out _____.
Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide
The main function of the respiratory system
Absorb Oxygen
What are the three types of blood vessels?
Veins, Arteries, Capillaries
An infection of this system would cause you to do what?
Oxygen Passes from the blood into organs through the walls of
The nose is part of what Body system?
Respiratory System
Hepatitis is a disease of what organ?
The shape of an organ is determined by
It’s function(What it does)
Blood is primarily moved around the body by
The heart beating
Mechanical and Chemical breakdown are a part of what system Mechanical and Chemical breakdown are a part of what system? And which helps out the other one?
Digestive System; Mechanical breakdown helps out chemical breakdown
Describe how the human body system is organized… from largest to smallest structure…. (cells, organs, organ systems, tissues)
Organ systems, organs, tissues, cells
You are walking and then decide to start running You are walking and then decide to start running. After a few minutes, what happened to your pulse?
What is your pulse?
The number of times your heart beats in a period of time.
Blood leaving the heart may go to…
Arteries in the heart, the lungs, other parts of body
An important part of this system is to
Transport nutrients of other parts of the body
High blood pressure can cause two major things…
The heart to enlarge & weaken and arteries to become less flexible
Major cause of death in the U.S. today and name 3 voluntary risks….
Heart Disease; smoking, frequency of exercise, weight
A good model of human heart would be a
A pump
A human heart normally beats how many times per minute (range)
60 - 80
The human heart is what two things… The human heart is what two things….. & What in the heart prevents blood from backflowing?
A Muscle and an Organ & Valves