Welcome to Open House
Meet Mrs. Vogle Graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, Minor in Social Studies Master’s Equivalency in Education from Penn State University Certified to teach Elementary Education (K-8) Additional grad courses from St. Vincent College
Meet Mrs. Vogle This is my 31st year of teaching (all with GLSD) I have subbed, been an assistant to a blind student, a learning support aid, and taught fourth grade Please see my website for additional information – www.glsd.us Email – karen.vogle@glsd.us Phone –724-539-9777 (x1313)
Expectations Follow posted classroom rules Bucket-Filling Enter and exit the room quietly Bring needed materials to class Raise your hand and wait to be recognized Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind comments to yourself Follow the directions the first time they are given Bucket-Filling Homework completion
Cats Cash Students will earn cats cash by: Respecting others Observing safety rules Acting responsibly Reaching for success Showing kindness
In fourth grade this year, grades are weighted. 70% = tests, quizzes & projects 20% = homework & classwork 10% = class participation
School Grading Scale 100% - 92% = A 91% - 83% = B 82% - 72% = C 60% & below = F
number of days absent = number of days to make it up. Homework Policy Homework is not only a requirement by the teacher, it is also part of their grade. Points are given per assignment per teacher. These points go towards their homework grade. Policy – Certain assignments such as graded pages, sentences, and writing can be turned in late. A point will be lost for each day late. Assignments that we go over in class such as workbook pages and worksheets can not be turned in late. Three times each in spelling can not be turned in late. All missed homework when the students are absent becomes their responsibility to make up. number of days absent = number of days to make it up.
GLSD Website www.glsd.us LES main page Mrs. Vogle’s page ThinkCentral Story Town GoMath! Science Fusion
HAC HOME ACCESS CENTER myglsd.us HAC icon, looks like house Log in, your log in was on Personal Information sheet sent home first day. (one log in per family) If you need your number, contact building secretary. Also, numbers will be sent home on Fri. Classes, choose student, can see grade book Grades, midterm grades, report card grades LINK AT BOTTOM OF PAGE ON HOW TO USE PAGE, VERY HELPFUL
Home-School Connection We need your help! Reviewing assignment packet nightly Check black homework folder for information sent home each evening Practice basic math facts and spelling words. Review study guides to prepare for exams. PTO Clearance Packet
Home-School Connection Ideas for Homework Help: Quiet , well lit space Materials Encourage best work Refer to class work for help
While You Visit Can you find: Visit your child’s other teachers. Your child’s seat & locker Job Helper chart Your child’s mailbox Visit your child’s other teachers. Visit the Book Fair in the library. Visit the PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale. Sign up for a parent- teacher conference in November.
Thank You For Attending!