Current Situation of OA Activity in Japan Kazu Yamaji National Institute of Informatics 2016-02-02
What NII is doing in Japan Research and education activities of academic community SINET4: New ultra-high-speed network Cyber Science Infrastructure (CSI) Academic Information Infrastructure Open Forum Industrial and social contributions User authentication・ Establishing research groups Authentication in HPCI Access Federation by Shibboleth VPN Academic Resource Sharing Infrastructure Academic Computing Resource HPCI Academic Information Infrastructure International Collaboration and Promotion
What NII is doing for Academic Resources Academic Information Infrastructure Scholarly materials as shared resources NII Universities Institutional Repository Portal Institutional repositories Materials Books, Journals Theses and dissertations, bulletins Research project reports Courseware Patents, software Science and statistical Databases Cultural heritage Linkage NII-REO NII-ELS KAKEN CAT Accumulation Of results Springer, OUP, etc. ca.3.4million Articles from societies or bulletins ca.2.9million Reports of Grants-in aid for scientific research ca.0.56million Catalogs ca.94million Activation Cooperation Aquisition & Organizing Crawling Harvesting Jointly by library Consortia and NII Digitalization Other [press release, etc] Scholarly publishers [e-journal, e-books] Academic societies [academic journals] Web [resources in general]
Two Roles of Japanese University Repository Self-archiving for the promotion of open access Contribution to research community To self-archive articles in E-journal Japan should contribute about 6-10% according to the share in total publications worldwide Dissemination of university outcome Accountability to the society and the public Dissertations University bulletins Databases and digital contents related to research
Roles of NII in Repository Promotion Funding (2005-2012) For start-up Research and development Support for IR community activities Adding value service (2005-) Portal services of repositories Statistics and evaluation Support tools Currently ongoing activity (2012-) IR cloud service: JAIRO Cloud Organizing the IR promotion committee
NII-funded Programs NII-IRP (Institutional Repositories Program) Phase 1 : FY2005-2007 Phase 2 : FY2008-2009 Phase 3 : FY2010-2012 Three categories of funding Area 1: Support for developing IRs and content creation Area 2: Research and development Area 3: Support for community activities Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Area 1 (Institutions) 19 57 70 68 74 24 31 34 Area 2 (Projects) - 22 14 21 8 7 Area 3 (Projects) 5 4
Area 2: Research and Development Project profile Univ. A-1 Dissertation database support package development Univ. of Tokyo A-3 Development of automatic document collection and registration workflow system Kyushu Univ. (Hitotsubashi Univ.) B-1 Development of new XooNIps / Development and dissemination of Library module Keio Univ. B-3 Nationwide historic ruins excavation report repository project Shimane Univ. B-4 Permanent identifier verification experiment to introduce an identification function in the open access environment Kanazawa Univ. B-5 Standardization and upgrading of institutional repository statistics and assessment tools Chiba Univ. B-6 Demonstrative experiment of connecting electronic publishing and repositories in cloud computing environment Nagoya Univ. B-8 Development of DML (Digital Mathematical Library) Hokkaido Univ.
Area 3: Support for Community Activities Project profile Univ. 1 Support for institutional repository community activities (DRF) Hokkaido Univ. (Kanazawa Univ.) (Osaka Univ.) 2 Copyright policy database project (SCPJ) to boost open access and self archiving Univ. of Tsukuba 3 Development of human resources for institutional repositories Osaka Univ. (Chiba Univ.) 4 Support for development of an institutional repository community in Kinki region (Nara Women's Univ.) 5 Fostering regional communities for institutional repository (ShaRe2) Hiroshima Univ.
Example: More on SCPJ project (1) Outline Investigate Japanese scholarly societies’ open access policies and publicize this information through SCPJ (Societies Copyright Policies in Japan) database. Two Features of SCPJ database The only database that covers OA policies of almost all Japanese academic societies (about 2,600) No policy is a policy: to regard responses of “under consideration” or “No response” as one of the policies SAITO Mika, HIRATA Kan, MORI Ichiro, HOSOKAWA Maki, TSUKUI Yuko, NAKAYAMA Takahiro. "New SCPJ: Let's develop an open access policy database together!" DRF International Conference 2009, Poster Session, 3-4 December, 2009, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
Example: More on SCPJ project (2) Color coding of OA policy and its ratio Color OA policy Num Green Author can archive both Pre-prints & Post-prints 156 Blue Author can archive only Post-prints 837 Yellow Author can archive only Pre-prints 14 White Author can not archive 247 Gray Under consideration 1,355
SCPJ Webpage
Expansion of IRs until 2011
Portal services of Japanese IRs NII harvests almost all Japanese IRs - JAIRO is a “gyroscope” of IR content - Use it to search all IRs in Japan at once! OAI-PMH IRDB Content Analysis shows how contents are growing and gives detailed information on each IR. CiNii is the largest database of academic journal articles in Japan. Metadata on journal articles and departmental bulletins goes to CiNii and is linked to the full texts in the IRs. junii2 junii2 is a “Dublin Core” application profile for institutional repository with an OpenURL compliant schema. It has been adopted by almost all IRs in Japan.
Linkage from CiNii metadata to fulltext in IR Link to the IR
JAIRO : Japanese Institutional Repositories Online To get the detailed Stats of each IR Narrow search by content type Narrow search by organization Mainly utilized by librarians to compare their IR with others or at the inter-university paper copy and transfer services.
IRDB Content Analysis System
Expansion of IRs until 2011
Implementation Rate of IRs in JAPAN Almost all national universities have their own IRs, while the implementation rate of other public/private universities hovers at xxxxxxxxxx20-30%.
Matters Surrounding IRs in Japan Ministry of education and research in Japan mandated the digitalization of doctoral dissertations and their dissemination over the network. In 2013 when the above was stated, there still were about 200 universities which does not have IRs. There are more than 700 HEs in Japan The universities which have already owned their IRs were also struggling with how to update and maintain the system in the sustainable manner.
What is JAIRO Cloud? Outline Service Architecture Target Limited resources and less technical knowledge hamper implementation of IR especially in small universities. JAIRO Cloud provides a shared instance of IR system on the virtual server hosted by NII since April 2012. Service Architecture NII offers easy-to-navigate IR platform with free-of- charge in initial stage. An easy-to-use repository module “WEKO” developed by NII, is used in the service. Target More 200 IRs by the 2017 fiscal year B Univ A Univ C Univ How did it go?
Service Architecture
“JAIRO Cloud” Community Message-board QA & Discussion Movie Manual!
Current Number of IRs in Japan ■ by using JAIRO Cloud coming soon ■ by using JAIRO Coud ■ by University Own Development Number of Repositories Year
Japan is the IR Paradise (455) (135->651)
Award to WEKO and JAIRO Cloud Stanford Prize for Innovation in Research Libraries (SPIRL) 2014 Prizes, Commendations of Merit
Types of Contents stored in Japanese IRs Number of Full Text Contents: 1,440,211 2013-10-31
Example about the Learning Materials in IR They have large number of contents but have little about Learning Materials
Ranking of IR Access at Hokkaido University (HUSCAP) 8 of top 10 were Learning Materials Educational Materials Educational Materials 引用: 大学ICT推進協議会2011 C-2大学連携から見た学術・教育コンテンツの開発・蓄積・共有再利用 教材としての機関リポジトリコンテンツ 筑波大学図書館情報メディア系 逸村裕
Access Log of “graph theory” lecture note (HUSCAP) Math class exam Also accessed from other Univ. Regular access via search engine 引用: 大学ICT推進協議会2011 C-2大学連携から見た学術・教育コンテンツの開発・蓄積・共有再利用 教材としての機関リポジトリコンテンツ 筑波大学図書館情報メディア系 逸村裕
Current R&D items in JAIRO Cloud Log Analysis Across University Automatic Aggregation of the Publication List. Ex. Connecting IRs with CRIS System Researcher CV Platform Institutional Repositories Open Repository Repository Cloud Service in Japan CRUD Backend SWORD 2.0 Search OpenSearch Email alert or SWORD deposit 200000+Users Society Copyright Policy DB
Collaboration between IRs and OUJ Handshake Ecosystem for Educational Contents between Institutional Repository and OER based Repository Repository Cloud Service in Japan A Univ OCW Repo B Univ Other IRs in Japan Powered by OER Asia Harvester Learning Materials in IRs by OAI-PMH Future Plan OAI-PMH by junii2 format
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