Q: What does it mean to “do science”? A:


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Presentation transcript:

Q: What does it mean to “do science”? A: Bell work – 5 minutes Q: What does it mean to “do science”? A: Check calendar and complete your planner

I will be able to define scientific inquiry in my own words. Learning target I will be able to define scientific inquiry in my own words. Today I am… learning about the history of scientific inquiry. So that I’ll be able to… see why it is important to understanding our world. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can define what scientific inquiry to my battle buddy.

If someone doesn’t believe your claim, can you supply evidence? Science studies the natural world. Scientists propose explanations that can be examined with evidence. Smallest atom to the largest galaxy

Observation/Question A piece of evidence that is gained through one of the senses. What is one observation you can make about this photo?

Hypothesis An if-then statement of the expected outcome. It implies a cause-effect relationship. Ex: If I decrease the water temperature, then the goldfish will have a slower heartrate.

Create / Design an experiment Create an experiment that would test your hypothesis. Ex. You might set up an experiment that would have a group of birds with a feeder in a warm environment and a group of birds in a cold environment, and measure how much each group eats.

Independent variable: The manipulated variable. Variables Independent variable: The manipulated variable. Dependent variable: What changes when the independent variable changes. Control variable: Any factor you control or hold constant during an experiment.

Influences change in the Independent variable Influences change in the Dependent variable

Identify the controls, independent, and dependent variable. Group practice Identify the controls, independent, and dependent variable. Sara was observing her plants one day and noticed that her plants were hardly growing. She went to the store to buy some fertilizer and decided to test how different fertilizer brands affected plant growth. She bought 3 different brands and began her experiment. She took 4 of the same plants and planted them in a row in order for the sunlight to hit every one the same. Then she planted 1 without fertilizer and 3 with the different fertilizers. She gave every plant the same amount of water at the same time of day.

Independent: Type of fertilizer Dependent: Plant growth Sara was observing her plants one day and noticed that her plants were hardly growing. She went to the store to buy some fertilizer and decided to test how different fertilizer brands affected plant growth. She bought 3 different brands and began her experiment. She took 4 of the same plants and planted them in a row in order for the sunlight to hit every one the same. Then she planted 1 without fertilizer and 3 with the different fertilizers. She gave every plant the same amount of water at the same time of day. With your battle buddy, discuss what the independent, dependent, and control variables are in this experiment. Why? Independent: Type of fertilizer Dependent: Plant growth Controls: sunlight, water

How many times an experiment is conducted. Trials How many times an experiment is conducted.

Data: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Observations use your senses to observe the results. Quantitative: Observations are made through measuring.

Record and analyze data Record experimental data, present the data in the form of a chart or graph.

Inference An interpretation or explanation for what is being observed. It is not a guess.

A forecast of a future event based on data already collected. Prediction A forecast of a future event based on data already collected. With a continual decrease in water temperature, it may be expected that the breathing rate will continue to lower.

Accept or reject the hypothesis Do you accept or reject the hypothesis? Communicate your conclusion and explain.

Control group A group of subjects not exposed to any experimental treatment. Ex. 18 groups of bees. 12 groups receive pesticides, 6 do not. Theory a broad explanation for a wide range of situations and observations.