Also called "Responding Variable" What is a Dependent Variable? Often called the "responding variable" because it is the response to the previously introduced independent variable. …is the result that you observe after you introduce the independent variable. In other words, first you introduce the independent variable, and then you observe the response which is called the… Dependent Variable Also called "Responding Variable"
Example: A scientist is conducting an experiment to test how sunlight affects plant growth. She places one corn plant 1 meter away from a sunlamp. She places one corn plant 2 meters away from a sunlamp. She places one corn plant 3 meters away from a sunlamp. Corn plant 01 Corn plant 02 Corn plant 03 The independent variable is the distance from the sunlamp What is the dependent (responding) variable in this example? Hint: What is the response to the distance from the sunlamp? Dependent variable is the plant growth
Example: A student uses three types of Elmer’s glue to determine which type has the strongest bond when gluing two pieces of writing paper together. She places 2 grams of glue on each sheet and then measures how much force it takes to pull them apart. Liquid-washable Glue Stick-washable Glue Stick-nonwashable Trial 02 Trial 01 Trial 03 The independent variable is the type of glue What is the dependent (responding) variable in this example? Hint: What is the result from using the different types of glue? Dependent variable-how much force to pull apart the paper
Example: A student conducts an experiment. He uses three types of sour candy. He gives one piece of candy to each participant and records their facial expressions to estimate how sour each candy is. The independent variable is the type of sour candy What is a dependent (responding) variable in this example? Hint: What is the response to the different types of candy? Dependent variable is their reaction (facial expressions)
SPI 0807.Inq.1B Dependent Variables Questions Science
SPI 0807.Inq.1B Dependent Variables Questions Science
SPI 0807.Inq.1B Dependent Variables Questions Science
SPI 0807.Inq.1B Dependent Variables Questions Science
SPI 0807.Inq.1B Dependent Variables Questions Science
What Are Control Experiments? Also called controls and/or control groups …An experiment separated from the main experiment where the independent variable being tested cannot influence the results. …an experiment to verify the results of another experiment using the same conditions except for one factor or variable. How to do a control experiment: Just remove the independent variable entirely or replace it with a neutral substitute.
Example: A scientist is conducting an experiment to test how sunlight affects plant growth. She places one corn plant 1 meter away from a sunlamp. She places one corn plant 2 meters away from a sunlamp. She places one corn plant 3 meters away from a sunlamp. Corn plant 01 Corn plant 02 Corn plant 03 Independent variable is the distance from the sunlamp. Dependent variable is how tall the plants grow. Do a control experiment by removing the independent variable entirely or neutralize its affect. control experiment-place one other corn plant in a dark room
What are the constants in this experiment? Independent variable …is the weights What are the constants in this experiment? Dependent variable …is the height they reached
…amount of carbon dioxide What are the constants in this experiment? SPI 0807.Inq.1C Controls Questions Science Independent variable …amount of carbon dioxide Dependent variable …height they grew
…behavior after eating What are the constants in this experiment? SPI 0807.Inq.1C Controls Questions Science Independent variable …amount of sugar in the cereal Dependent variable …behavior after eating the sugary cereal
What are the constants in this experiment? Independent variable …type of grass Dependent variable …distance rolled What are the constants in this experiment?
Science Questions What are the constants SPI 0807.Inq.1C Independent variable …protein (steak) Dependent variable …energy level What are the constants in this experiment? SPI 0807.Inq.1C Controls Questions Science