Dictators Gallery Walk
Prompt #1 Based on what you have learned about these leaders and their countries, what are some of the causes of WWII?
Totalitarianism, Fascism, & Nazism
Political Systems Totalitarianism Fascism Communism Nazism
Stalin/ Soviet Union
Hitler/ Germany
Hitler’s Rise Mein Kampf written in prison Hitler and Nazis promised redemption for Germany
Germany Rearms Military
Germany Expands
Germany Expands Austria Sudetenland Anschluss (political union) Austria says no Hitler invades, many welcomed him Britain and France protested; Hitler kept going Sudetenland
What specific actions did Hitler take to expand the German empire? Turn-and-Talk What specific actions did Hitler take to expand the German empire?
Timeline Scramble Place the events beginning WWII in chronological order using the following sections in your textbook: 17.1 & 17.2
Document Analysis Causes of WWII in Europe
Prompt #2 What cause do you think had the strongest affect in leading to war in Europe? Explain in 2-3 sentences.