JRC INSPIRE team INSPIRE MIG-P Meeting Brussels, 30/11-1/12 2016 Geoportal – content improvement JRC INSPIRE team INSPIRE MIG-P Meeting Brussels, 30/11-1/12 2016
Other issues: Geoportal content improvement: WHY? with decent level of reliability it is currently not possible to search MS metadata records for e.g.: national datasets that are related to various types of environmental reporting all datasets that are “open” for any use (limitation, constraint free) datasets that are related to a thematic domain e.g. ground water or land contamination national or quality assured datasets Other issues: Unambiguity – (e.g. datasets are tag by 1 or several INSPIRE themes) Broken linkages between MD record, dataset, view and download services Not harmonised use of keywords http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/
The Geoportal content improvement issue already discussed during the MIG-T meeting (related to the identification and monitoring of priority datasets): agreed the principle of not introducing additional MD records – using better and in a harmonised way current MD elements (keywords, lineage etc.) – keeping the possible additional workload to minimum. agreed to utilise the MS National experience with filtering the content (short set of questions to the MS MD catalogue administrators) http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/
Ways forward proposal: Together with MS agree on additional keywords to “tag” relevant MS datasets. The keywords should be “picked” from agreed thesaurus / code lists managed by the INSPIRE Registry. Profiling the MD content e.g. 5 stars records – systematically improving the broken linkages (Mdxdatasetsxservices) Continue analyzing the content using the data analytical / visualization tools. http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/