Miss McCrory About me: Dear Parents: Hi, My name is Miss McCrory. I am so excited to be your 3rd grade teacher for the 2017-2018 school year. This will be my 17th year in the DOE and my 13th year as a Gifted and Talented teacher. I have 4 brothers and sisters and 8 nieces and nephews. My husband, and I live in Bayside. We love to travel and went to Aruba and the Outer Banks this summer! I am excited to make this a great school year. About me: I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice from Marist College, my Masters Degree from CW Post – LIU and have had my license to teach gifted and talented for 13 years. I also have my license to teach English as a Second Language and am starting my 17th year in the DOE. Dear Parents: I am so excited to get to know, and work with, you and your child this year. I think the home school connection is one of the most important components for a successful school year and I will be setting up class dojo accounts for you and your child as well as a class website. I can be reached through the class dojo app, DOE email or the school phone number. Please know that I make it a point to respond and communicate in a timely manner and am looking forward to a very successful year with you and your child. DOE Email: emccror@schools.nyc.gov Class Website: mccroryclass217.weebly.com Store: Target or Macys Food: Sushi Hobby: Reading and bike riding Candy: Dark Chocolate Fast Food: Subway Restaurant: Piccolo Sogno Flower: Roses and Tulips Drink: Vanilla Flavored Seltzer Season: Fall Sport: Baseball Subject: Writing