Presentation on behalf of Elsternwick Amateur Football Club (EAFC) Bayside City Council Elsternwick Park (North) Redevelopment Deliberative Panel Presentation on behalf of Elsternwick Amateur Football Club (EAFC) Presenter: Alan Ramsay
ELSTERNWICK PARK: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE The Park is approx 95 acres in the northern most corner of the City of Bayside, surrounded by Cities of Glen Eira and Port Phillip Originally a swamp, the Park was initially controlled by a Committee of Management which lacked resources. The No. 1 Oval was developed by the Elsternwick Cricket Club (ECC) and the local community The City of Brighton took direct control of Elsternwick Park in 1978 Until the redevelopment of the section south of Bent Avenue in the 1990’s, Elsternwick Park was almost entirely devoted to organized sports facilities. In choosing between the options put forward for the redevelopment of Elsternwick Park (North) the Panel need to take into account the changing demographics of the area and what already exists in Elsternwick Park (South) John has already spoken about this, but I do want to emphasize the final point. Elsternwick Park has changed in the past and will change in the future. EAFC urge the Panel to take into account the changing demographics of the surrounding area and features that already exist (or don’t exist) in Elsternwick Park (South) when choosing between the options put forward
WHO IS THE ELSTERNWICK AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUB EAFC is an Australian Rules football club founded in 1906 We have 2 senior men’s teams in the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) EAFC is the third oldest amateur club We play in the lower grades of the VAFA competition, and provides opportunities for players of all ability levels. VAFA is a tenant of Elsternwick Park No. 1 oval EAFC has strong links with Elsternwick Cricket Club (ECC) KEY POINTs: EAFC has existed for over 100 years and is the 3rd oldest club in Amateur football. EAFC plays in lower grades of Amateur football and provides opportunities for players of all ability levels Strong links to other tenants: ECC, VAFA (letter)
EAFC LINKS TO ELSTERNWICK PARK EAFC has always played at Elsternwick Park, initially on the No. 1 Oval, which we shared with the Brighton Football Club (VFA) from 1926 to 1954 Since 1955 we have played on the No. 2 Oval, during this period, there has been chronic underinvestment in the ground and facilities VAFA and Council have ruled that No. 2 Oval is not satisfactory for competition. For the past several seasons we have, effectively, been without our own home ground As an Amateur club, our ground and facilities are KEY in attracting players For several years, Bayside Council has listed the refurbishment of the No. 2 Oval pavilion as its highest priority EAFC has always played at Elsternwick Park, initially as a tenant of No. 1 Oval, but since 1955 we have played on the No. 2 Oval. Chronic under investment in the ground and facilities, this is consistent with Damien Van Trier’s presentation earlier. It is also consistent with my personal experience as groundsman for No. 1 and No. 2 Ovals during the 1964-5 cricket season. The loss of our home ground has been a blow to the Club. Although we have an agreement that we can play on the No. 1 Oval when it is available, we started the 2016 season playing our first home game on a ground in Highett that we had never seen before
EAFC LINKS TO THE COMMUNITY Since its inception, ‘000’s of young men have played football and ‘00’s of men and women have volunteered their time and effort with the club, providing social capital – social skills, friendship and family involvement. Research shows that participating in organized sporting clubs provides health benefits – both physical and mental for participants and volunteers In our 24/7 world, adult involvement in organized sport has become less of a focus, this is reflected in the redevelopment of Elsternwick Park (South) Several local senior football clubs (for example, Elwood Football Club) have folded Read point 1: Family Anecdote: as an illustration: within the MY family: my late Mother was a life member of the club, my brother is a life member, my wife is a life member, I’m a life member. And its not just the Ramsay family: the Perkins family, the Mahony family, the Convery family, the Patey family, I could go on Point 2; health benefits On the other hand: our 24/7 world has made it more difficult for adult sport, and several local senior football clubs have folded
EAFC LINKS TO THE COMMUNITY cont. EAFC has strong links to the AusKick group at Elsternwick Park and was a partner in the application to develop Elsternwick Junior Football club. Unfortunately, this application was unsuccessful. To develop as a club we need to broaden our base and seek opportunities to establish a juniors program, for both boys and girls, and women’s teams. For this we need a suitable oval and facilities. We can see the opportunity with the strength of the Elsternwick Park based Auskick program. The club recognises the need to broaden its base and increase its community engagement, unfortunately efforts to create an Elsternwick Junior Football club have, so far, been unsuccessful. Going forward, we need a suitable oval and facilities to allow us to establish juniors programs and perhaps a women’s team
REVIEW OF REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS Open Space, Environment and Sustainability No agreement on whether Oval No. 2 stays or goes Landscape Architect’s plan shows Oval 2 largely ‘AS IS’ Given the size, condition and historical lack of investment into Oval 2, this is NOT acceptable to EAFC No agreement on whether Oval No. 2 stays or goes. My impression from attending the community meeting in May was that those favouring this option were opposed to any sports ovals being part of the proposal In any event, the status quo is NOT an acceptable option for EAFC
REVIEW OF REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS 2. Play, Community and Open Space Proposes a new Oval and pavilion south of Oval No. 1, plus additional sports areas in existing Oval 2 No golf course, rather community open space similar to Option 1 Preferred option for EAFC Seemingly provides the facilities needed for our senior teams and the opportunity to increase the clubs community engagement No golf course, this is THE crucial issue
REVIEW OF REDEVELOPMENT OPTIONS 3. Active Sports, Play and Community Retains a redeveloped 9 hole Golf course Landscape Architects plan shows a new full size oval surrounded by the golf course, BUT??? IF a new Oval is created, seemingly OK for EAFC BUT: is the golf course financially sustainable? What are the current lessee’s intentions? What effects might this have on timing of any redevelopment? Plans show a new full size oval (similar to Option 2). IF this were to happen, acceptable to EAFC. BUT skeptical that an oval and surrounds can be safely fitted into that space, also many unresolved issues with the future of the golf course
SUMMARY Play, Community and Open Space provides the best option for EAFC A new oval and pavilion will provide the platform for EAFC’s increased community engagement into the next 100 years Whatever is decided, the interim/transition period will be difficult for the sporting clubs involved