Career Cruising: My Saved Schools Have out your laptop This PowerPoint will instruct you on saving schools to year plan which is a requirement for your 10th, and 11th grade year. This activity is designed to have you save schools to your plan. Completing this activity is necessary for the completion of your High School and Beyond Plan, a graduation requirement. Please carefully complete the directions that follow. You will need your laptop to complete this activity.
To Log in to Career Cruising: Open a FireFox browser window: Go to PowerSchool Learning and in the top right corner click ‘Apps’ Select ‘Career Cruising’ off the list and it should open You must use a FireFox browser to complete the activity. Open a Firefox browser and log in to PowerSchool Learning. In the upper right hand corner in a dropdown menu labeled ‘Apps’. From that menu select Career Cruising to enter the online system.
Click on ‘My Plan’ under your name When you open your Career cruising, click on “My Plan” which is located directly below your name on the left hand side.
Click on ‘Education’ Click on ‘Education’ in the top menu.
Search Schools Search schools you are interested in. Type in the name of a school and click ‘Search’.
Save Schools to Your Plan Sophomores must save a minimum of 2 schools to their plan. Juniors must save a minimum of 4 schools to their plan. Explore the results provided by clicking on the School Name. When you click on the school’s name you will see information about tuition, campus and faculty sizes, the area the school is in and much more. When you find a school of interest you will click ‘Save to My Plan’ in the top right corner. - Sophomores must save a minimum of 2 schools to their plan. - Juniors must save a minimum of 4 schools to their plan. If you want to compare specific schools you can use the ‘Compare Schools’ button at the top of the page and add your schools of interest to look at them side by side.
Click on ‘My Plan’ Once you have saved the appropriate number of schools to your plan you must reflect and confirm. These steps check off the activity on your High School and Beyond Plan. Click on the My Plan button below your name in the top left hand corner.
Click on ‘My Progress’ Click the My progress bar on the right side.
Click on ‘My Saved Schools’ On the My Progress page, select My Saved Schools.
Check the ‘Reflect and Confirm’ box Click the check mark under where it says “reflect and confirm”.
Check your ‘My Progress’ Bar Your progress should increase by about 16%. **The percentage will vary based on how much you have completed and what grade you are in. Questions? Email Ms. McClellan ( or Ms. Bjorge ( Your Progress bar should have increased by about 16%. The exact number will vary based on your grade level. If you have any questions please contact Ms. McClellan at or Ms. Bjorge at Thank you.