The Beginnings of Industrialization The Industrial Revolution starts in England and soon spreads to other countries.
Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain New Ways of Working Industrial Revolution—greatly increases output of machine-made goods. Revolution begins in England in the middle 1700s.
Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain The Agricultural Revolution Paves the Way Enclosures—large farm fields enclosed by fences or hedges Wealthy landowners buy, enclose land once owned by village farmers. Enclosures allowed experimentation with new agricultural methods
Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain Rotating Crops Crop rotation—switching crops each year to avoid depleting soil Livestock breeders allow only the best to breed, improve food supply.
Industrial Revolution Begins in Britain Why the Industrial Revolution Began in England Industrialization—move to machine production of goods Britain has natural resources—coal, iron, rivers, harbors Expanding economy in Britain encourages investment Britain has all needed factors of production—land, labor, capital
Inventions Spur Industrialization Changes in the Textile Industry Weavers work faster with flying shuttles and spinning jennies Water frame uses water power to drive spinning wheels
Spinning Jenny
carding machine-replaces the hand process of combing out the fibers before they can be spun into yarn or thread. “
Inventions Spur Industrialization Power loom, and spinning mule (next slide) speed up production, improve quality.
Inventions Spur Industrialization Factories—buildings that contain machinery for manufacturing
Improvements in Transportation Watt’s Steam Engine Need for cheap, convenient power spurs development of steam engine James Watt improves steam engine, financed by Matthew Boulton Boulton—an entrepreneur—organizes, manages, takes business risks. Matthew Boulton James Watt
Steam engine designed by Boulton & Watt. Engraving of a 1784 engine. Reproduction of James Watt's steam engine
Improvements in Transportation Water Transportation Robert Fulton builds first steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807 England’s water transport improved by system of canals
Fulton’s North River Steamboat as it appeared in 1807, later named Clermont
Improvements in Transportation Road Transportation British roads are improved; companies operate them as toll roads. These were called “turnpike trusts”. The A4 is a historic major road in England, portions of which are known as the Great West Road and Bath Road.
Improvements in Transportation By the early Victorian period toll gates were perceived as an impediment to free trade. The multitude of small trusts were frequently charged with being inefficient in use of resources and potentially suffered from petty corruption. The railway era spelt disaster for most turnpike trusts. The Round House (Old Toll House) at Stanton Drew
The Railway Age Begins Steam-Driven Locomotives In 1804, Richard Trevithick builds first steam-driven locomotive
Trevithick's No. 14 engine, built by Hazledine and Co Trevithick's No. 14 engine, built by Hazledine and Co., Bridgnorth, about 1804, and illustrated after being rescued circa 1885; from Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XIX, No. 470, January 3, 1885.
The Coalbrookdale company then built a rail locomotive for him, but little is known about it, including whether or not it actually ran.
Trevithick's 1804 locomotive Trevithick's 1804 locomotive. This full-scale replica of steam-powered railway locomotive is in the National Waterfront Museum, Swansea
The Railway Age Begins In 1825, George Stephenson builds worlds first railroad line. He is called the “Father of Railways”. His rail gauge of 4 feet 8½ inches (1,435 mm), sometimes called "Stephenson gauge", is the world's standard gauge.
Liverpool-Manchester Railroad The Railway Age Begins Liverpool-Manchester Railroad Entrepreneurs build railroad from Liverpool to Manchester
The Railway Age Begins Stephenson’s Rocket acknowledged as the best locomotive (1829) (fast at 24 mph)
Rocket replica
The Railway Age Begins Railroads Revolutionize Life in Britain Railroads spur industrial growth, create jobs Cheaper transportation boosts many industries; people move to cities