Claire Jones, Local Offer Manager, Norfolk County Council Using the SEND Local Offer (to support young people to achieve the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes detailed in the SEND Code of Practice January 2015) Claire Jones, Local Offer Manager, Norfolk County Council
What is the Local Offer? needs and disability (SEND) in Norfolk” “a one stop shop for special educational needs and disability (SEND) in Norfolk” The Local Offer is a statutory name that the government gave to the concept of putting all information about provision and support available in an area, for children and young people with SEND, across education, health and social care, together in one place on the internet. It came about as a result of the Children and Families Act 2014. So LAs have a statutory duty to develop and publish their Local Offer. Now 2 and a half years old. In Norfolk we do this through a website and a directory. All LAs in England publish a Local Offer online. It is for all CYP who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities (whether or not they have a EHC plan), their families and the professionals who support them
What does it aim to achieve? Provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to- date information which tells children, young people and families about provision and support and how to access it Encourage children, young people with SEND and their parents to get involved in: - identifying gaps in service and - its review and development so that over time provision for children and young people with SEND is improved. Used in conjunction with analysis of the needs of children and young people with SEND in Norfolk, the Local Offer helps identify gaps in provision and support, supporting managers in strategic planning to commission new provision and services across education, social care and health.
The Local Offer website… or Norfolk Local Offer This is the front door to our Local Offer which is organised into 9 sections which collectively have 300 pages.
The home page has a carousel at the top where we promote different things. It changes from time to time. It provides quick links to things we either want to promote (consultations, newsletters) or that we think people want quick access to (Norfolk Directory, Site map). Site map – to support accessibility through the site.
4 task buttons – these provide quick access to key pages on the site that we know people look for (EHC plans, Help) or that we want to promote (Transition planning, Tell us what you think). These change from time to time. The main structure of the site is 9 sections: collectively containing 300 pages
What is the Local Offer? how to feedback, how to be part of the Local Offer Site map Norfolk Register of Disabled CYP Act and Regs - CFA 2014, Equality Act 2010 LO in development Easy Read pages in Help Meet the teams
Transitions – class to class, school to school, agreement to share information Support services Separate age and stage sections: Early years, Schools and Post 16 Admissions to specialist schools School and college transport
Care farms use farming practices as part of a restorative healing treatment or therapy Specialist College courses, SEN support in post-16 Support into work - supported internships, apprenticeships – Match Re-engagement – Risk of NEET build up confidence, identify skills Continuing English / Maths – can be functional skills depending upon ability Help You Choose
Transition planning should be at every age and stage, information shared with next provider with the agreement of parents and CYP. Transition for adulthood should begin in Year 9. Aimed at the young person
Forms and guidance documents: Annual Review - Parent / Carers and CYP Transfer review - Parent / Carers and CYP Views form / Norfolk Transition Plan EHC Plan needs assessment - Criteria document Early Years inclusion – Early Education Discretionary funding details
Teaching methods, awareness training, communication, many leading to qualifications
The Norfolk Directory… also part of the Local Offer …contains 5191 entries, which signpost to services and providers
Menu, Categories, what’s on
Search Results…. Sort By – Name, best match, rating, distance Distance – Off, 1, 5, 10 miles Category or Filters – Age, day, time, setting Shortlist
Service details
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Ability to shortlist
Benefits to being on the Norfolk Directory Free advertising for your service Allows people who are looking for a service like yours, to find you Allows your customers to ‘Rate and Review’ the service you provide
What’s going on in Norfolk – news, consultations to encourage people to tell us what they think – where the ‘gaps’ are and how we keep the LO under review Newsletters - SEND e-newsletter, Local Offer schools newsletter, Medical Coordinator newsletter, link to SEND IASS Partnership newsletters Ofsted CQC reports – from Area SEND inspections which have taken place since May 2016. Local Offer User Forum – notes from meetings Norfolk Area SEND Multi Agency Steering Group – notes from meetings
Any questions…? Don’t’ worry if you cannot think of any questions now You can get in touch anytime at And don’t forget the different ways in which you can feedback too! Thank you for listening