Active Learning Strategies Vanport Mosaic Jigsaw Daina Hardisty, Andy Hilt, & Eriks Puris
Jigsaw Active Learning Strategy Count off from 1 to 6. Go to your assigned banner provided by Vanport Mosaic and independently read the information, take notes if necessary. Banners are in Room 17. Discuss the information with the other members of your banner group. Share what each of you believe is the take-away information for your banner. Take an envelope containing two puzzle pieces from your group and return to the classroom. Solve the jigsaw by finding five other individuals that have other puzzle pieces representing the five other Vanport Mosaic banners. Complete the puzzle and form a new group at a larger table. (3 separate groups) Number 1’s share information (4 minutes max) about your take-away points with the other members followed by all remaining group members. More than six in your group? Let extras share information. Choose a group volunteer who will share with the whole class a recap (90 seconds or less) of what was learned. Break.
Jigsaw Wegener Strategy
Jigsaw Active Learning Strategy Count off from 1 to 6. Go to your assigned banner provided by Vanport Mosaic and independently read the information, take notes if necessary. Banners are in Room 17. Discuss the information with the other members of your banner group. Share what each of you believe is the take-away information for your banner. Take an envelope containing two puzzle pieces from your group and return to the classroom. Solve the jigsaw by finding five other individuals that have other puzzle pieces representing the five other Vanport Mosaic banners. Complete the puzzle and form a new group at a larger table. (3 separate groups) Number 1’s share information (4 minutes max) about your take-away points with the other members followed by all remaining group members. More than six in your group? Let extras share information. Choose a group volunteer who will share with the whole class a recap (90 seconds or less) of what was learned. Break.
Active Learning Strategies Low hanging fruit to course design Concep Test Active Learning Strategies Low hanging fruit to course design Cooperative Exam Collaborative Documents Muddiest Point T-P-S Wrapper Lecture Tutorials