How do people live the “American Dream”? American Dream of the 1950s How do people live the “American Dream”?
Corporations expand buying other companies, creating conglomerates American Business As business expands more people move into higher-paying white collar professions (managers, sales, clerical) Corporations expand buying other companies, creating conglomerates Some form franchises – like Ray Croc who bought McDonalds & franchised out the business
Suburban America Middle-class whites leave the cities, go to suburbs “white flight” Unprecedented amount of children born after the war known as the “baby boom”, family & values emphasized Although women working outside of the home increases, 50s television also glorifies women as homemakers Entertainment industry expands w incl. drive-in theatres & 3-D movies & comics. Sports also very popular (MLB & NFL)
Automobile Culture Suburban living made the car a necessity Good advertising & easy credit terms made cars popular Interstate Highway System “Automania” spurs federal govt to build a nationwide network of roads & highways Interstate Hwy make high speed trucking possible, hurting RRs People also flock to vacation spots like lakes, parks, and amusement parks like Disneyland
Pop Culture of the 50s Television is the new form of mass media (5% of homes in 1950, 55% by 1954, 90% by 1959) Popular shows include I Love Lucy, Honeymooners, Leave it to Beaver, Mickey Mouse Club & Howdy Doody Quiz shows very popular – but many were “fixed” Invention of TV Guide & TV Dinners make viewing easier Beatniks Beat movement starts in San Francisco, people who didn’t believe in the “mainstream” conformity of the 1950s
Teenagers Rock ‘N Roll 50s begins emergence of the teenager Numerous products geared towards teens (clothes, music, hygiene) Comics, movies & music geared toward the teenage audience Rock ‘N Roll Chuck Berry, Richard Penniman & Bill Haley make Rock ‘N Roll popular amongst teens Elvis Presley brings Rock ‘n Roll into the mainstream
When America was Rocked How did the Ed Sullivan Show help Elvis? How was Elvis changing America? How were teens influenced by rock? How could rock n’ roll led to the turmoil of the 60s?