How to Start your Lab Report Chemistry Name________________ Experiment Number #3 Mods_____ Date_____ Density of Soda and Diet Soda Name(s) of Lab Partner(s)
Objective The objective of this lab is to compare the density of soda and diet soda mathematically.
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Procedure Record the mass of a clean, dry graduated cylinder. Measure 5.0 ml of degassed soda as accurately as possible. Place the graduated cylinder and soda on balance and record mass. Calculate the mass of 5.0 ml of soda.
Add degassed soda to graduated cylinder to a total volume of 10 Add degassed soda to graduated cylinder to a total volume of 10.0 ml and mass Repeat these steps using 15.0 ml and 20.0 ml of soda Repeat steps 2-6 using degassed diet soda.
Mass of soda in cylinder Mass of diet in cylinder Data Data for soda Mass of cylinder _______ Data for Diet soda Mass of cylinder _____ Volume (ml) Mass of soda in cylinder Mass of soda Trial 1 5.0 Trial 2 10.0 Trial 3 15.0 Trial 4 20.0 Volume (ml) Mass of diet in cylinder Mass of soda Trial 1 5.0 Trial 2 10.0 Trial 3 15.0 Trial 4 20.0
Conclusion The density of coke is ______. The density of diet coke is ______. The density of water is ______. The reason that the _____ coke floats is because ______________________. I was accurate/not accurate in my soda measurements because my percent error was _______; I was accurate/not accurate in my diet soda measurements because my percent error was _______. 1 more sentence- what can you do to be more accurate?