Topic: How was Puritanism the foundation of the New England Colonies?


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Presentation transcript:

Topic: How was Puritanism the foundation of the New England Colonies? Do Now: In the US Constitution, the 1st Amendment forbids the government to establish a state religion. Is this Amendment important? Why or why not?

Origins of the Puritans Roots in Protestant Reformation  Britain becomes Protestant Calvinism: Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) “Puritans” demand more reforms within the Church of England Separatists- want to break away completely from England

Puritan Beliefs Predestination “gift of grace” “Conversion” experience The Elect (Visible Saints) Protestant “Work Ethic” No dancing, theater, etc.

Plymouth Colony (1620) King James I drives Separatists out Plymouth Rock (Mass) Mayflower Compact William Bradford 1621: Thanksgiving Day 1629: Other Puritans arrive, Massachusetts Bay Colony Fishing, lumber, ship building

Conclusion The creation and Settlement of the New England Colonies is like _______________ because (explain in 2-3 sentences…)

Topic: Evaluating Life in Puritan New England: Do Now: “Life in the Puritan colonies was depressing, restrictive, and oppressive. There can be little doubt that the New England colonies were the worst colonies to live in” Defend or Refute this statement

Life in Massachusetts Bay Colony Winthrop: “City upon a hill” Theocracy Powers and limitations of the Clergy Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson (1630s) Rhode Island Day of Doom (1662) 1675: King Phillip’s War The Half-Way Covenant 1690: Salem Witchcraft Trials

The Salem Witch Trails Why did it happen? Who was “targeted”? Immediate Results? How did it end? Long Term Results?

Other New England Colonies Rhode Island The “Sewer” Dissenters from Massachusetts COMPLETE Freedom of Religion Connecticut Puritans, some Dutch Fundamental Orders of Conn. New Hampshire

Conclusion On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most), how strong would you rate the Puritan religion’s influence on 1- The Government and Law 2- Everyday colonial life 3- America today