Welcome! Lead. Learn. Build. PreK-3 Family Engagement September 29, 2016 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”
Introduction Our Team Our Platform Our Process Our Goal education.state.mn.us
Our Platform - Leadership from the Middle (LftM) A mobilizing strategy Strengthening districts and networks of schools, working together on specific problems to build pedagogical capacity and collective expertise linked to measurable impact on student engagement Suitable to development of deep learning outcomes LftM is about mobilizing the whole system into new and deeper modes of learning required for the 21st century. http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/leadership-middle education.state.mn.us
8 Essential Ingredients of Effective Networks Developing high-trust relationships Focusing on ambitious student learning goals linked to measurable outcomes Continuously improving instructional practice Using deliberate leadership and skilled facilitation Frequently interacting and learning inwards Connecting outward to learn from others Forming new partnerships among students, teachers, and families Securing adequate resources to sustain the work These guidelines are consistent with eight criteria that Santiago Rincon-Gallardo and I formulated in relation to LftM networks of schools or districts. We have identified eight essential ingredients of effective networks S. Rincon-Gallardo and M. Fullan, “Essential Features of Effective Networks and Professional Collaboration,” Journal of Professional Capital and Community (in press). education.state.mn.us
Our Platform - Guiding Principles The event lives and dies by the participation of its attendees. The sum of the expertise of the people in the audience is greater than the sum of the expertise of the people on stage. Empowering attendees to share their expertise. The reality of innovation is that we co-create it by feeding off and enabling each other. To be innovators, we need to support each other as we take turns pushing boundaries.” Rebecca O. Bagley, How 'Unconferences' Unleash Innovative Ideas, Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/rebeccabagley/2014/08/18/how-unconferences-unleash-innovative-ideas/2/#d099b6a52864 education.state.mn.us
Edcamp “Attending an Edcamp reminds me that I'm part of something bigger. Education is greater than my classroom, school, or district. It's a powerful force that can bring equity and empowerment to our world.” Kristen Swanson, Edcamp: Teachers Take Back Professional Development http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/may14/vol71/num08/Edcamp@-Teachers-Take-Back-Professional-Development.aspx education.state.mn.us
What makes it work? Trust Respect Support Commitment Work education.state.mn.us
Our Process http://parented.wikidot.com/2016-pei-2 education.state.mn.us
Our Process - Agenda education.state.mn.us
Our Process - Discussions Round Robin discussions 40 minutes Facilitator(s) and recorder(s) Choose your topic Feel free to move Capitalize on adult learning Afternoon has some different topics Open sessions education.state.mn.us
Our Process - Maps education.state.mn.us
Our Goal – Online Course parented.wikidot.com/family-engagement education.state.mn.us
Our Goal - Tailored to Your Work Is something missing? The WORK of family engagement is at the center Should something be emphasized more? What do you and your colleagues need to know, to understand, to do? What learning activities are most helpful? What strategies, skills, dispositions are needed? Complete survey education.state.mn.us
Inspiration + Perspiration = Transformation education.state.mn.us