Unit 30 Every class minute counts! 2 assignments 2 tasks/assignment 2 hrs/week Sept – Dec Presentations, reports, booklets, posters, graphics Every class minute counts!
Unit 30 folder structure Assignment 1 Task 1 Task 2 Assignment 2
What do these words mean? Copyright Fair Use Free Speech Public Domain File-sharing Piracy Plagiarism Infringement Think of these on your own first and then discuss with the person next to you
Watermarking means that a digital signature (called a watermark) is added to the protected data – e.g. image - and this signature proves ownership or certifies authenticity of the artifact. spatial domain techniques (where watermarks are embedded in intensity values) transform domain techniques (where watermarks are inserted in transform coefficients)
Illegal article Do they agree or disagree with Slater's point of view? Should music sampling, "remixed" video, and mashups be considered illegal? Does current copyright law censor artistic expression and free speech?
Main task Create a presentation which will explain the legal pitfalls in using and editing graphics such as identifying ownership, copyright, copyright free and gaining permissions. Submit – end of next lesson! [part of task 1]