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Presentation transcript:

1. Define important words in this chapter aspiration the inhalation of food, fluid, or foreign material into the lungs. atrophy weakening or wasting of muscles. body mechanics the way the parts of the body work together when a person moves. chemical restraint medications used to control a person’s behavior. combustion the process of burning.

1. Define important words in this chapter contracture the permanent and painful shortening of a muscle, tendon, or ligament that can restrict movement. cyanosis blue or pale skin and/or mucous membranes due to decreased oxygen in the blood. dysphagia difficulty in swallowing. flammable easily ignited and capable of burning quickly.

1. Define important words in this chapter hoarding collecting and putting things away in a guarded way. intravenous therapy the delivery of medication, nutrition, or fluids through a person’s vein. PASS acronym for use of a fire extinguisher; stands for Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep. physical restraint any method, device, material, or equipment that restricts a person’s freedom of movement.

1. Define important words in this chapter RACE acronym for steps taken during a fire; stands for Rescue-Activate-Contain-Extinguish. restraint a physical or chemical way to restrict voluntary movement or behavior. restraint alternatives measures used in place of a restraint or that reduce the need for a restraint. restraint-free care an environment in which restraints are not kept or used for any reason.

1. Define important words in this chapter Safety Data Sheet (SDS) sheet that provides information on the safe use of and hazards of chemicals, as well as emergency steps to take in the event chemicals are splashed, sprayed or ingested. scalds burns caused by very hot liquids. suffocation the stoppage of breathing from a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the body that may result in unconsciousness or death.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them REMEMBER: There are many types of accidents that can occur in a facility. It is very important that nursing assistants be proactive about preventing accidents from occurring.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Fall Prevention Remember these guidelines for preventing falls: Know which residents who may be at risk and report unsteadiness. Keep frequently-used items close to residents, including call lights. Respond to call lights promptly. Make sure eyeglasses are within reach and that they are not damaged. Wipe up spills immediately. Remove clutter from walkways. Keep purse, bag straps, and linens off the floor Get help when moving residents. Lock bed wheels before giving care. Lock bed wheels before moving a resident into or out of bed.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Fall Prevention Guidelines for preventing falls (cont'd): Lock wheelchair wheels before transferring residents into or out of them. Return beds to their lowest position when finished with care. Make sure residents’ clothing fits properly. Make sure residents are wearing sturdy, nonskid shoes with the laces tied. Report any rugs or mats that move. Use nonskid mats in the shower or bath. Report loose hand rails immediately. Report cracks or holes anywhere. Report damage of outdoor furniture, benches, and ramps.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Fall Prevention Guidelines for preventing falls (cont'd): Clearly mark areas where floor is uneven. Keep walkers and canes nearby. Do not move furniture without an order from the nurse. Offer trips to the bathroom often. Respond to requests for bathroom assistance promptly. Report any areas that are not well-lit. Do not try to catch or stop a falling resident. Use your body to slide him to the floor. Report all falls to the nurse and always complete an incident report.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them REMEMBER: Most of the accidents in a facility are related to falls. Falls are often caused by unsafe environments, loss of abilities, diseases, muscle weakness, poor vision, or disorientation.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Resident Identification Remember these guidelines for identifying residents: Identify residents before providing care or serving food. Check diet cards against resident’s identification. Call resident by name.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them REMEMBER: Failure to identify residents can result in illness or even death.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Define the following term: scalds burns caused by very hot liquids.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Burn/Scald Prevention Burns are very painful and can occur quickly. Elderly people and those with loss of sensation are at greater risk for burns. Remember these guidelines for preventing burns and scalds: Check water temperature before giving a resident a bath or shower. Temperature should not be over 105°F. Check for proper temperature of warm water applications. Use low setting on hair dryers. Let liquids cool before serving. Serve drinks when residents are seated.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Burn/Scald Prevention Guidelines for preventing burns and scalds (cont'd): Tell residents before pouring or setting down hot drinks. Use lids on hot liquids. Pour hot liquids away from residents. Check plates that have been warmed. Make sure anything that has been in the sun has cooled before use. Tell residents about smoking precautions.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Define the following term: hoarding collecting and putting things away in a guarded way.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Poisoning Prevention Remember these guidelines for poison prevention: Keep all items that may be poisonous away from disoriented residents. Do not leave cleaning products in residents’ rooms. Check expiration dates of foods to ensure that they are fresh. Check residents’ drawers for hoarded food that has spoiled. Make sure there is proper ventilation when chemical products are used.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Define the following terms: dysphagia difficulty in swallowing. aspiration the inhalation of food, fluid, or foreign material into the lungs.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Choking Prevention Remember these guidelines for choking prevention: Residents should be sitting upright/90 degrees while eating. Assist with feeding slowly. Never rush a resident during a meal. Alternate between food and drink. Cut food into small pieces. Report to nurse if you think a resident would be helped by softer foods or thickened liquids. Make sure dentures are in place and fit properly. Be aware of residents’ swallowing precautions.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Cuts and Other Injuries Remember these guidelines for preventing cuts, scrapes, and other injuries: Do not leave sharp objects out. Prevent skin tears when dressing residents by guiding clothing over the body. Approach doors slowly. When moving residents in wheelchairs, protect their arms, legs, hands, and feet. Push wheelchairs forward. Wheelchairs should face forward in elevators.

2. List common accidents in facilities and ways to prevent them Remember these general safety guidelines: Do not run in a facility. Do not put your hand into a bed or anywhere else without looking first. Ask for help when you need it. Know which residents are combative and try to learn what triggers this behavior. Follow facility policy if a skin splash or eye splash occurs. Report all injuries immediately.

3. Explain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Define the following term: Safety Data Sheet (SDS) sheet that provides information on the safe use of and hazards of chemicals, as well as emergency steps to take in the event chemicals are splashed, sprayed, or ingested.

3. Explain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) REMEMBER: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for the safety of employees at work. OSHA requires that all dangerous chemicals have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). These sheets are placed where all staff can access them.

3. Explain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) The following important information is found on a Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Chemical ingredients of the product Dangers of the product Protective items to be worn How to use and clean up the chemical Emergency response if product is splashed onto skin or ingested Safe handling, storage, and disposal procedures

4. Describe safety guidelines for sharps and biohazard containers Nursing assistants should follow these safety guidelines when using sharps and biohazard containers: Don gloves before touching a sharps container. Keep hands clear of the opening of container. Carry the container by the bottom only. Request that container be replaced when it is ¾ full or according to facility policy. Remove gloves and wash hands after putting anything into sharps container.

4. Describe safety guidelines for sharps and biohazard containers Safety guidelines when using sharps and biohazard containers (cont'd): Use biohazard container or bag for anything contaminated with infectious waste except for sharps. Wear gloves when disposing of infectious waste. Remove gloves and wash hands after putting anything into the biohazard container or bag.

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities Define the following term: body mechanics the way the parts of the body work together when a person moves.

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities REMEMBER: Nursing assistants face risk of injury. Using proper body mechanics will help prevent these injuries.

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities REMEMBER: Good body mechanics help save energy and prevent injury and muscle strain. When muscles are used correctly to push and lift objects or people, it reduces the risk of injury. Basic principles of body mechanics will help keep nursing assistants and their residents safe.

Transparency 7-1: Body Alignment

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities Be familiar with these terms associated with body mechanics: Alignment Base of support Center of gravity

Transparency 7-2: Lifting Heavy Objects from the Floor

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities Many of a nursing assistant’s activities on the job require moving or lifting: Lifting a resident Picking up a bag of laundry Carrying new residents’ luggage Taking heavy trash bags to appropriate site Cleaning a floor Moving a bed into another room

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities Consider these guidelines when performing your daily activities in order to use good body mechanics: Raise beds to safe working level. Stand close to object. Stand with a wide base of support. Push or slide objects rather than lifting. Use the strong muscles in the thighs, upper arms, and shoulders to lift. Bend at the knees (squat) instead of at the waist.

5. Explain the principles of body mechanics and apply them to daily activities Guidelines for performing daily activities using good body mechanics (cont'd): Avoid twisting or choppy movements. Face the object or person being moved. Pivot the feet instead of twisting at the waist. Do not lift with one hand. Hold objects close to your body when lifting. Avoid bending and reaching. Get help when you need it. Talk to residents before moving them. Agree on a signal for moving.

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints Define the following terms: restraint a physical or chemical way to restrict voluntary movement or behavior. physical restraint any method, device, material, or equipment that restricts a person’s freedom of movement. chemical restraint medications used to control a person’s behavior.

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints Define the following terms: suffocation the stoppage of breathing from a lack of oxygen or excess of carbon dioxide in the body that may result in unconsciousness or death. atrophy weakening or wasting of muscles. contracture the permanent and painful shortening of a muscle, tendon, or ligament that can restrict movement.

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints REMEMBER: Restraint use has declined in facilities, and laws have been passed restricting their use due to abuse by caregivers. Side rails and geriatric chairs with tray tables attached may be considered physical restraints.

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints REMEMBER: Restraints may never be used without a doctor’s order.

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints Potential negative effects of restraint use: Bruises and cuts Pressure ulcers Risk of suffocation or strangulation Entrapment Pneumonia Reduced blood circulation Stress on the heart Blood clots Poor appetite and malnutrition Dehydration

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints Potential negative effects of restraint use (cont'd): Incontinence Urinary tract infection Constipation Muscle atrophy and contractures Loss of bone mass Nerve injuries Decreased mobility Falls Fractures Depression and/or withdrawal

6. Define two types of restraints and discuss problems associated with restraints Potential negative effects of restraint use (cont'd): Social isolation Loss of self-esteem Sleep disorders Loss of dignity Loss of independence Stress and anxiety Increased agitation Confusion Severe injury Death

7. Discuss restraint alternatives Define the following terms: restraint-free care an environment in which restraints are not kept or used for any reason. restraint alternatives measures used in place of a restraint or that reduce the need for a restraint.

7. Discuss restraint alternatives REMEMBER: Restraint use has been dramatically reduced in facilities. State and federal agencies encourage facilities to take steps to create restraint-free environments. Creative ideas that help avoid the need for restraints are being used instead. These creative ideas are called restraint alternatives.

7. Discuss restraint alternatives REMEMBER: Studies have shown that restraints are not truly needed. People tend to respond better to the use of creative ways to reduce tension, pulling at tubes, wandering, and boredom.

7. Discuss restraint alternatives Think about these questions: How would it feel to be restrained? Can you think of your own ideas about ways to avoid using restraints?

Handout 7-1: Restraint Alternatives • Make sure call lights are within reach and answer call lights immediately. • Use fall prevention and other safety techniques, such as improving lighting. • Certain types of grab bars can assist with moving in bed and getting out of bed. • Take the resident on a walk. The doctor or nurse may add exercise into the care plan. • Let confused residents wander in designated safe areas. • Provide activities for those who wander at night. • Give frequent help with toileting. Help with cleaning immediately after an episode of incontinence. Make sure residents are clean, dry, and comfortable. • Encourage independence with all tasks. Provide meaningful activities.

Handout 7-1: Restraint Alternatives (cont’d) • Encourage participation in social activities. Escort the resident to social activities when needed. Increase visits and social interaction. • Offer reading materials that the resident enjoys. Read to the resident if needed. • Increase the number of familiar caregivers with family members and volunteers. Family members may decrease tension just by being with residents. • Offer food or drink. • Decrease the noise level. Offer backrubs or use relaxation techniques. • Listen to soothing music. • Monitor the resident closely and report complaints of pain to the nurse immediately.

8. Identify what must be done if a restraint is ordered Define the following terms: cyanosis blue or pale skin and/or mucous membranes due to decreased oxygen in the blood.

8. Identify what must be done if a restraint is ordered Remember these guidelines for restraint use: Follow the care plan’s and the nurse’s instructions for monitoring. Place call light within resident’s reach and respond immediately to call lights. Perform care as ordered. Document appropriately.

9. List safety guidelines for oxygen use Define the following terms: combustion the process of burning. flammable easily ignited and capable of burning quickly.

9. List safety guidelines for oxygen use REMEMBER: Nursing assistants do not turn off or adjust oxygen levels. This is the nurse’s responsibility.

9. List safety guidelines for oxygen use Remember these guidelines for safety with oxygen: Post No Smoking and Oxygen in Use signs. Remove fire hazards from room. Remove flammable liquids from the area. Do not allow candles, lighters, or matches around oxygen.

9. List safety guidelines for oxygen use Guidelines for safety with oxygen (cont'd): Check nasal area, cheeks, and behind the ears for signs of irritation from tubing. Do not use petroleum-based products on the resident or on any part of the cannula or mask. Make sure that the resident is not lying on the oxygen tubing and that there are no kinks in it. Learn how to turn off oxygen in case of fire. Never adjust oxygen levels.

10. Identify safety guidelines for intravenous (IV) lines Define the following term: intravenous therapy the delivery of medication, nutrition, or fluids through a person’s vein.

10. Identify safety guidelines for intravenous (IV) lines REMEMBER: IV is an abbreviation for intravenous, which means into a vein. A resident with an IV is receiving medication, nutrition, or fluids through a vein.

10. Identify safety guidelines for intravenous (IV) lines Think about this question: Why should you always wear gloves when touching an IV area?

10. Identify safety guidelines for intravenous (IV) lines Remember these things that a nursing assistant should not do when caring for a resident with an IV: Take blood pressure on the arm with the IV Get the IV site wet Pull on or catch tubing in anything Leave tubing kinked Lower IV bag below IV site Touch the clamp Disconnect IV from pump or turn off alarm

10. Identify safety guidelines for intravenous (IV) lines Be sure to report any of the following observations to the nurse: Needle or catheter has fallen out The armboard or handboard becomes loose Tubing is disconnected Blood appears in tubing IV fluid in bag or container is gone or almost gone IV fluid is not dripping or is leaking, or bag breaks IV pump is beeping Resident complains of pain, has difficulty breathing, or has a fever Resident pulls out or attempts to pull out IV

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms REMEMBER: Heat, fuel, and oxygen must all be present for a fire to occur.

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms There are many potential causes of a fire in facilities, including the following: Smoking Frayed or damaged electrical cords Electrical equipment in need of repair Overloaded electrical plugs Oxygen use Flammable liquids or rags with oils on them Stacks of newspapers or other clutter

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms Think about this question: Can you think of additional causes of fire within a facility and ways to prevent them?

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms Know these guidelines for fire prevention: Stay with a resident who is smoking. Check ashtrays for lit cigarettes or matches. Put out burning cigarettes. Make sure that cigarettes or smoking materials do not fall anywhere. Make sure there are no hot ashes, matches, or cigarette butts in an ashtray before emptying it. Follow any policies regarding e-cigarettes and their batteries. Report unsafe electrical equipment and cords immediately. Report smell of gas.

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms Make sure you know the location of fire alarms in your facility. Two acronyms will help you remember what to do. The first is the RACE acronym, which outlines what to do in case of a fire: Rescue anyone in danger. Activate alarm or call 911. Contain fire by closing all doors and windows. Extinguish the fire or fire department will extinguish.

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms The second is the PASS acronym, which explains how to use a fire extinguisher in case of fire. There will be many fire extinguishers in every facility. Learn where they are located. In case you need to use a fire extinguisher, do the following: Pull the pin. Aim at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle. Sweep back and forth at the base of the fire.

11. Discuss fire safety and explain the RACE and PASS acronyms Know these general procedures to follow in case of fire: Know the location of the fire evacuation plan. Remain calm. Remove all persons in immediate area. Stay low in room to escape a fire. Check closed doors for heat before opening them. Use wet towels to block doorways. Use damp covering over face to reduce smoke inhalation. Stop, drop, and roll if clothing catches fire. Never get into an elevator during a fire. Turn off oxygen and electrical equipment if facility policy allows.

12. List general safety steps for working in a healthcare facility REMEMBER: Living or working in a facility may sometimes put a person at risk of crime. Many people go in and out of a facility during the day. It is best to watch for any suspicious behavior. If a nursing assistant notices any suspicious behavior, she should report it immediately.

12. List general safety steps for working in a healthcare facility Remember these guidelines for safety in a facility: Report anything suspicious. Keep valuables at home. Ask nurse to lock up residents’ valuables. If a visitor or staff member makes you uneasy, do not leave the resident alone with the person. Follow guidelines for number of visitors allowed in residents’ rooms. Do not share personal or confidential information with anyone. Report any situation or person who makes you feel unsafe.

Exam 1 Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer. 1. Most of the accidents in a facility are related to (A) Falls (B) Burns (C) Poisoning (D) Choking 2. Which of the following is the best way that a nursing assistant can help prevent falls? (A) Clear walkways of clutter (B) Keep lights low (C) Move call lights further away from residents (D) Leave spills for housekeeping to clean

Exam 1 (cont'd) 3. One way to prevent burns and scalds is to (A) Place hot drinks on the edges of tables so that they will be easier to reach (B) Serve residents drinks while they are standing (C) Leave warm water applications on for 30 minutes at a time (D) Check water temperature before giving a bath or shower 4. When should a nursing assistant identify a resident? (A) After giving care (B) When collecting meal trays (C) When shifts change (D) Before helping with feeding

Exam 1 (cont'd) 5. How should a resident be positioned for eating? (A) Lying flat on his backs (B) Reclining at a 45-degree angle (C) Sitting as upright as possible (D) Lying on his side with his head propped up 6. What information does a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) contain? (A) Costs of the chemical (B) Comparisons with other chemicals (C) Names of other facilities using the chemical (D) Description of emergency response actions

Exam 1 (cont'd) 7. Which of the following needs to be disposed of in a biohazard container? (A) Trash (B) Food (C) Aluminum cans (D) Sharps 8. To maintain good body mechanics while lifting or carrying an object, a nursing assistant should (A) Hold the object out and away from her body (B) Face the object or person she is moving (C) Twist at the waist as she picks up the object (D) Try to keep her center of gravity as high as possible

Exam 1 (cont'd) 9. One way to use proper body mechanics on the job is to (A) Stand back from an object while lifting it (B) Keep feet close together when lifting (C) Use the muscles of the back to lift (D) Bend at the knees to lift something 10. Restraints may be used (A) Whenever it is convenient for the facility staff (B) When a resident is being uncooperative (C) When there are not enough staff members to watch all the residents (D) Only with a doctor’s order

Exam 1 (cont'd) 11. Which of the following statements is true of restraints? (A) People tend to respond better to restraint alternatives than to restraints. (B) Laws allow the use of restraints when a facility is short-staffed. (C) Using restraints does not cause negative effects. (D) Restraint-free care means a facility uses restraints only for disciplining residents. 12. An example of a restraint alternative is (A) Tying the resident to the bed (B) Removing the resident’s call light (C) Giving frequent help with toileting (D) Locking the resident’s door from the outside

Exam 1 (cont'd) 13. Restraint-free care means that (A) Restraints are only used if a resident is in danger of hurting himself or others (B) Restraints are only used with a doctor’s order (C) Restraints are only used when restraint alternatives fail (D) Restraints are not kept or used at the facility for any reason 14. At least every _____ hours, a restraint must (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 4

Exam 1 (cont'd) 15. Why does working with oxygen require special safety precautions? (A) Oxygen is an expensive medication. (B) Oxygen is a dangerous fire hazard. (C) Oxygen levels must be adjusted often. (D) Oxygen equipment is very fragile. 16. Which of the following is a flammable liquid? (A) Water (B) Sweat (C) Nail polish remover (D) Urine

Exam 1 (cont'd) 17. Which of the following guidelines is true of working around oxygen equipment? (A) The NA should not allow open flames around oxygen. (B) The NA should adjust oxygen levels when they are too high or too low. (C) The NA should replace oxygen tubing if it becomes clogged. (D) The NA should prescribe skin medication if the oxygen device is causing skin irritation. 18. When caring for residents who have IVs, a nursing assistant should (A) Keep the IV site dry (B) Leave the tubing kinked (C) Touch the clamp (D) Lower the IV bag below the IV site

Exam 1 (cont'd) 19. RACE is an acronym for a safety rule, and means (A) Run to A Close Exit (B) Remove residents, Activate alarm, Contain fire, Extinguish (C) Residents Are to be Cared for Excellently (D) Remove window, Access outside, Call for help, Extinguisher opened

Exam 2 Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer. 1. One condition or problem that can cause a lack of sensation is (A) Constipation (B) Diabetes (C) Hypertension (D) Vomiting 2. The medical term cyanosis means (A) Dark red skin and mucous membranes due to an increase of oxygen in the system (B) Green-tinged vomit or emesis due to poisoning (C) An increase in the amount of bacteria in the bronchi and trachea of the respiratory system (D) Blue-tinged skin and mucous membranes due to a decrease of oxygen in the system

Exam 2 (cont’d) 3. The medical term ___________ means difficulty swallowing. (A) Dysarthria (B) Dyspnea (C) Dysphagia (D) Dyslexia 4. Collecting and putting things away in a guarded way is called (A) Heralding (B) Hobnobbing (C) Hoarding (D) Hashtagging

Exam 2 (cont’d) 5. What does the acronym PASS stand for? (A) Push-Assist-Squeeze-Swipe (B) Push-Allow-Squeegee-Swipe (C) Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep (D) Pull-Aim-Squeegee-Sweep 6. The process of burning is known as (A) Composition (B) Combustion (C) Composting (D) Compounding

Exam 2 (cont’d) 7. Which of the following is one way to prevent burns and scalds? (A) Using lids on all cold liquids served to residents (B) Ensuring objects left in the sun are cool before using (C) Serving liquids to residents while they are standing (D) Using the highest settings on hair dryers 8. Which of the following is one way that a nursing assistant can protect himself while working in a facility? (A) The NA should keep his valuable belongings locked up at work. (B) The NA should only share resident’s information with his closest friends. (C) The NA should limit visitors in a resident’s room to not more than 10. (D) The NA should report unsafe situations or people to a supervisor.

Exam 2 (cont’d) 9. Fire safety responses at facilities include the following steps: (A) Using dry towels to block all doorways and stop smoke (B) Encouraging residents and visitors to use the elevators during a fire to escape more quickly (C) Standing upright in a room when trying to escape a fire (D) Using a covering over the mouth and nose to prevent smoke inhalation 10. A weakening or wasting away of a muscle is known as (A) Autonomy (B) Anatomy (C) Atrophy (D) Autopsy

Exam 2 (cont’d) 11. Which of the following is a potential fire hazard in a facility? (A) Overloaded electrical socket (B) Recycling container for plastic materials (C) Locked housekeeping supply closet (D) Clean, empty ashtray 12. Which of the following is a guideline for a nursing assistant who is caring for a resident with an IV line? (A) The NA should disconnect the IV line when the bag is empty. (B) The NA should not measure blood pressure on an arm with an IV. (C) The NA should only get the IV site wet during the resident’s bath. (D) The NA should lower the IV bag below the site for short intervals.

Exam 2 (cont’d) 13. In order to prevent choking, in what position should the resident eat? (A) At 30 degrees, reclining (B) At 90 degrees, sitting upright (C) At 65 degrees, slightly reclining (D) At 0 degrees, lying flat 14. Which of the following is a safety guideline when using sharps containers? (A) Sharps containers must be replaced when they are one-half full. (B) Gloves should always be worn when touching the sharps container. (C) When dropping sharps inside the container, the NA should put her hands just inside the top of the container to make sure the object is inside. (D) When carrying a sharps container, the NA should carry it by the top of the container.

Exam 2 (cont’d) 15. A potential complication of restraint use is (A) Incontinence (B) Decreased agitation (C) Increased appetite (D) Diarrhea 16. When working with a resident who has an IV line, which of the following must the NA report to the nurse? (A) The resident’s IV bag is half-full. (B) The resident complains of pain. (C) Blood is not evident within the IV tubing. (D) The handboard is securely attached to the resident’s hand.