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1 Which of these is not one of Earth’s four spheres (hydrosphere, geosphere, terrasphere, or biosphere)?
1 Terrasphere
Correct Home
This is the thin envelope of gases that surrounds Earth. 2 This is the thin envelope of gases that surrounds Earth.
2 atmosphere
Correct Home
Erosion and weathering are examples of this type of force. 3 Erosion and weathering are examples of this type of force.
3 3.4. Constructive force
Incorrect, Destructive force Home
The hydrosphere contains all of Earth’s ___________. 4 The hydrosphere contains all of Earth’s ___________.
4 land
Incorrect, water Home
5 Heat flowing out of Earth as it cools is one form of ______ that drives the Earth system.
5 6.7 energy
Correct Home
Group of parts that include air, water, land, and life. 6 Group of parts that include air, water, land, and life.
6 geosphere Home
Incorrect, system Home
Which is the main source of energy that drives the Earth system? 7 Which is the main source of energy that drives the Earth system?
7 wind
Incorrect, Heat from the sun Home
This part of Earth contains most of its mass. 8 This part of Earth contains most of its mass.
8 geosphere Home
Correct Home
9 Which sphere of the Earth system includes trees, grasses, and squirrels.
9 biosphere
Correct Home