What’s the humour?
Introduction to Earth Sciences: Earth’s Four Spheres On your whiteboards use a drawing/illustration that indicates what you think the four spheres are. HINT: the four spheres include all aspects of the earth as a planet.
The Four Spheres of the Earth
The four spheres: 1.) Atmosphere 2.) Geosphere (Lithosphere) 3.) Hydrosphere 4.) Biosphere
#1 Atmosphere Gaseous envelope surrounding the earth Earth is only planet with free oxygen
Layers of the Atmosphere
#2 Lithosphere The earth and it’s physical features and landscapes Includes the upper mantle and crust
#3 Hydrosphere All water at or near the surface of the earth Water is constantly recycled (groundwater, glaciers, oceans, freshwater etc)
#4 Biosphere All living things supported on earth
Event <=> Sphere Causes & Effects Interactions Event <=>Sphere Sphere<=>Sphere
How do processes affect our four spheres? Example: Volcano How does a volcano affect each sphere? Event Volcano Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere
Group Activity Each group will complete the following for your assigned event Group 1 – hurricane Group 2 – deforestation Group 3 – large scale mining project (i.e. oilsands) Group 4 – asteroid hitting earth Group 5 – factories emitting Carbon Dioxide Group 6 - land Slide Group 7- Nuclear Waste Spill Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere