Holistic Management for Azure and the Hybrid IT Ecosystem 11/22/2018 10:57 AM THR2103 Holistic Management for Azure and the Hybrid IT Ecosystem Maureen Cannon Product Manager © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Ever Shifting Cloud Landscape Challengers Leaders Niche Players Visionaries Ability to Execute Completeness of Vision (As of December 2011) Amazon Web Services Savvis CSC Terremark Bluelock NavSite OpSource GoGrid IBM iland Tier 3 Hosting.com Rackspace Joyent SoftLayer AT&T Tata Communications Datapipe Vitacore Systems Carpathia Hosting CenturyLink Challengers Leaders Niche Players Visionaries Ability to Execute Completeness of Vision (As of June 2017) Amazon Web Services Google Microsoft Alibaba Cloud IBM Oracle Virtustream Skytap Joyent NTT Communications Rujitsu Interoute Rackspace Source: Gartner
All-In-Cloud Adoption “By 2021, more than half of global enterprises already using cloud today will adopt an all-in cloud strategy.” Source: Gartner
Hybrid & Multi-Cloud: For Now & Future Hybrid Cloud Public Cloud Only Private Cloud Public = 89% Private = 72% 22% 67% Hybrid 5% Multi-cloud 3.6 Public 4.4 Private Source: RightScale 2017 State of the Cloud
What’s your definition of Hybrid IT? Running different workloads in different clouds Moving workloads between private & public clouds Moving workloads between public clouds Extending network, storage or compute into public cloud All of the above
The Challenge: Too many technologies, vendors, clouds
Hybrid Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Hybrid IT What is Your Plan? Private (On-Prem, Hosted) Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cloud Hybrid IT Hybrid Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Hybrid IT
How to Know If You’re Ready Do you know all the cloud resources you’re using today? 1 Do you know where they’re running? 2 How will you manage it all – consistently? 3 Will your current tools support you? 4
One Solution To Manage it All? Cloud Compute Network Applications Storage Unified Communications
What capabilities would you want that solution to provide? A. Continuous Discovery B. Consolidated, Role-specific Views C. Automated Relationship Maps D. Integration with your IT Mgmt Ecosystem E. Automation F. All of the Above
The Promised Land Service & Service Level Performance Availability Service & Service Level Performance Availability Incident & Problem Event Asset Change & Configuration
How the ScienceLogic Platform Works How the ScienceLogic Platform Works Model Plug-In Output Learn & Relate Automate Monitor
Broad & Deep Microsoft Coverage Microsoft Azure, Classic, Pack, Stack Microsoft OS, Hypervisors & Infrastructure Microsoft Business Applications
Broad & Deep Cloud Coverage
Why ScienceLogic Now? Be Ready Be Precise Be Essential Do IT Better.
3 Things to Keep in Mind Make a plan for Multi & Hybrid Cloud Determine how you’ll manage it all Assess if your existing tools serve your needs for today AND tomorrow
Questions? Maureen Cannon Product Manager mcannon@sciencelogic.com www.sciencelogic.com Come Visit Booth 319
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