WIEN2k Workshop @ Penn State August 12 – August 16 Welcome!
Center for Nanoscale Science Penn State – MRSEC/NSF Materials Simulation Center Materials Research Institute - Penn State Participants like you…
Meal Cards $60 in each card. Good only during the 5 days of the Workshop. Cards are good at any of the food shops in the HUB. Pizza Chinese Sushi Sandwiches Burgers Salads Mexican MacKinnon’s Cafe
Posters Can be posted at any time Please ask me for Velcro to fix them Those who want their poster on the web should submit file
Computer setup Your upmriXXX is valid in all computer rooms in campus The accounts will expire on August 23rd Connection instructions and other info in the web page.
Specials thanks to… Donna Lucas (she did everything… including on site registration, web registration, reservations, coffee break catering… Lazaro Calderin, Jason Holmes, and the RCC group: Computer setup All contributors to the Wien code starting with the Leaders: K. Schwarz and P. Blaha
Enjoy the Workshop!