Nuclear Power in Jordan EMRC Nuclear Power in Jordan Zahera Tbeishat Director of Legal Department. Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission
NATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK EMRC Energy and Mineral Regulatory Commission (EMRC), was established in 2014 as successor to Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission (JNRC), in accordance to the Merging Law number (17) for the year 2014. The current enforced law for Radiation and Nuclear Materials, Facilities and Activities, Radiation Protection, and Nuclear Safety and Security is Law no. (43) for the year 2007 and was revised (a number of Articles was added to accommodate nuclear power program) The Government of Jordan prepared a Law “Energy and Minerals Law”. By the new Law, EMRC is to be responsible for the roles of the three sectors i.e. Radiation & Nuclear, Mineral Resources, and Electricity regulation. The new draft comprehensive Nuclear Law was prepared by EMRC now in the parliament for the final approval.
Legal Framework EMRC The new draft comprehensive Nuclear Law address the following requirements: Assigning prime responsibility for safety to the operator. Provision for appeals against decisions of the regulatory body. Provision for nuclear or radiological emergency preparedness & Response. Criteria for release from regulatory control. Jurisdiction for Inspectors. Involvement of stakeholders and their input in the regulatory decision making process.
EMRC Establishment and Government of Jordan Polices EMRC is independent Regulatory Authority that reports directly to the Prime Minister. The Government of Jordan approved two new national policies: National Policy on Nuclear Safety. National Policy on Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management.
Conventions & Agreements EMRC Title In Force Status VC Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage 2014-04-27 accession: 2014-01-27 CPPNM Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material 2009-10-07 accession: 2009-09-07 CPPNME Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material acceptance: 2009-10-07 PVC Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage NS Convention on Nuclear Safety 2009-09-10 Signature: 1994-12-06 ratification: 2009-06-12 NOT Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident 1988-01-11 Signature: 1986-10-02 ratification: 1987-12-11 ASSIST Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
Conventions & Agreements EMRC Title In Force Status RSA Revised Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA (RSA) 1989-02-05 Signature: 1989-02-05 P&I Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA 1982-10-27 acceptance: 1982-10-27 ARASIA Co-operative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (ARASIA) - First Extension 2008-07-29 acceptance: 2007-10-09 CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Signature: 1996-09-26 Ratification: 1998-08- 25 Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (with protocol) 1978-02-21 Signature: 1974-12-05 Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the IAEA for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 1998-07-28 Signature: 1998-07-28
Legal Framework EMRC More than 70 instructions have been officially issued by EMRC . All Regulations & Instructions are in compliance with the IAEA Safety Standards. All Regulations & Instruction have been reviewed by the IAEA & EC Experts, and local legal experts. additionally ,EMRC is working on preparing guidelines.
Legal Framework EMRC Governmental Institutions Merging Law No. 17 for 2014 Civil Liability Ratification Law Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety and Security Law Safe Use of Nuclear Energy Basis and Conditions for Issuing Radiation Licenses and Permits Radiation Protection Safe Transport of Radioactive Material Fees for Issuing Licenses and Permits for Radiation Work Natural Resources Law No.12 for 1968 General Electricity Law for the Year 2002 and its Amendments
Country Projects Subcritical Assembly (JSA) Jordan Research and training reactor (JRTR) Jordan Ores exploration Jordan Nuclear Power Plant (JNPP).
Jordan’s Nuclear Power Plant Project EMRC Based on competitive bidding process, the Government of Jordan selected Rosatom as the Preferred Bidder with an Integrated Approach consisting of ASE as the EPC contractor and Rusatom Overseas as the strategic partner (Investor/Operator). Two Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) Generation III+ (VVER-1000 (AES-92)) Output: 2 X 1000 MWe Lifetime: 60 years Development, Construction, Operation, Spent Fuel Management, and Decommissioning
Jordan Subcritical Assembly Provides more than 8 principle nuclear experiments for nuclear engineering students. The owner of the facility is the Jordan University of Science and Technology
Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR) Jordan Research & Training Reactor (JRTR) is a 5 MW multipurpose research reactor. Utilization purposes, including: 1) Education and training. 2) Radioisotope production, to used in medical, healthy, agricultural and industrial sectors 3) Neutron beam applications. 4) Neutron Doping and Irradiations. Owned by JAEC and located inside the campus of Jordan University of Science & Technology, away from the University building about (4) km.
URANIUM ORES EXPLORATION Jordan undergo uranium exploration activities in the central and eastern regions of Jordan. Jordan plans to build uranium extraction plant.
Nuclear Security and Radiological Emergencies Preparedness EMRC Two higher committees were established by the order of the cabinet: National Nuclear Security Committee. National Emergency Committee.
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