Welcome to Back-to-School Night Room C102 Miss. Aguirre Language Arts Period 1 and 2
Important Information Miss. Aguirre’s Contact: Email : ana.aguirre@leusd.k12.ca.us www.jupitergrades.com – Log in information will be sent out later this week. CLMS Website: http://clm.leusd.k12.ca.us/
Agenda for Back to School Night 1. Who am I? 2. Expectations and Classroom Management 3. Program Overview /Routines 4. Supporting your child 5. Must Knows
Who am I? Graduated from Loyola Marymount University Majored in English with an Emphasis in Writing Highly Qualified Authorization to teach English Learners 10 years of Teaching Experience Middle School and High School Experience Speak Spanish / Hablo Espanol
Student Expectations Be respectful Be prompt Be responsible Be prepared Be responsible Be positive and supportive of classmates Give examples /non-examples/Good vs Bad choices
Behavior/Classroom Management Warning or warnings Break detention / Teacher-Student Conference Contact Parents Severe behavior issues – referral to admin /counselor
Behavior/Classroom Management Know that if I contact you, I’ve done what I can in the classroom to help your student with his/her behavior/ work habits/motivation. Your support is appreciated. Jupiter grade alerts are sent/ Green sheet messages. Please ensure that you enter your email in your account settings. Spanish speakers – you can change the settings so you receive information from Jupiter grades in Spanish.
Expectations High expectations for Work Format, Presentation, On time I expect students to work hard and to do their best. I will never give them more than they can handle. (IEPs/504s/Struggling Readers/Writers ) Assignments that are not quality work can be Given Back Given Partial Credit – 60% Given a zero
Expectations Homework /Projects/Essays /Classwork – Struggle is part of the learning process How to Help? Good Intentions – Too much help. Set up homework time. Designate a homework area. Check agenda – Is it done? Neatness / Best work – Encourage to redo / produce great quality Paraphrase a question Check for grammar /spelling Let the content be his/hers
Class Focus Extended Language Arts program. Not read 180 Pace – fit student needs Rigor in steps / scaffolding TIME!!!!
Placement Data - CAASPP, Grades, Common Assessments Teacher recommendation Parent request for support Appropriate Placement – TBD by Assessments
Routine # 1 Homework/Planners Homework is always posted and students are given the first 3-5 minutes of class to write it down. Students are responsible for copying homework into their planners. Please check your student’s planner and the CLMS website.
Support for your child
How to Support Your Child? Green Sheets. Give every Friday. Due every Tuesday. Please sign, read comments, state concerns. Independent Reading – Highly Recommended !!! 30-45 minutes a day.
How to Support Your Child? Green Sheets. Given every Friday. Due every Tuesday. Please sign, read comments, state concerns. Independent Reading – Highly Recommended !!! 30-45 minutes a day.
How to Support Your Child? Remind them to be self-advocates…I believe in helping our students be independent learners When they don’t understand When they don’t get all the notes When they are absent When they are late
Must Knows I do not expect late work. I do give out 6 passes for the year in case of emergencies. 3 Late / 3 Homework We have an absent corner. I do not give emergency individual extra credit for students that disregard expectations.
Thank you! I look forward to working with you so that your child can have a successful year. Please fill out the getting to know your child forms.
Welcome to Back-to-School Night Room C102 Miss. Aguirre Read 180
Important Information Miss. Aguirre’s Contact: Email : ana.aguirre@leusd.k12.ca.us www.jupitergrades.com – Log in information will be sent out later this week. CLMS Website: http://clm.leusd.k12.ca.us/
Agenda for Back to School Night 1. Who am I? 2. Expectations and Classroom Management 3. Program Overview /Routines 4. Supporting your child 5. Must Knows
Who am I? Graduated from Loyola Marymount University Majored in English with an Emphasis in Writing Highly Qualified Authorization to teach English Learners 10 years of Teaching Experience Middle School and High School Experience
Student Expectations Be respectful Be prompt Be prepared Be responsible Be positive and supportive of classmates
Behavior/Classroom Management Warning or warnings Break detention / Teacher-Student Conference Contact Parents Severe behavior issues – referral to admin /counselor
Behavior/Classroom Management Know that if I contact you, I’ve done what I can in the classroom to help your student with his/her behavior/ work habits/motivation. Your support is appreciated. Jupiter grade alerts are sent/ Green sheet messages. Please ensure that you enter your email in your account settings. Spanish speakers – you can change the settings so you receive information from Jupiter grades in Spanish.
Expectations High expectations for Work Format Presentation On time I expect students to work hard and to do their best. I will never give them more than they can handle. (IEPs/504s/Struggling Readers/Writers )
Expectations Homework /Projects/Essays /Classwork – Struggle is part of the learning process How to Help? Good Intentions – Too much help. Set up homework time. Designate a homework area. Check agenda? – Is it done? Neatness / Best work – Encourage to redo / produce great quality Paraphrase a question Check for grammar /spelling Let the content be his/hers Encourage them to see me before it is due.
Focus for Reading Program Phonemic Awareness Phonics & Spelling Vocabulary Development Fluency Comprehension Writing Motivation
Curriculum Independent Reading Books – Read 180 library cannot go home. Read 180 Software Rbook – Read 180 textbook – in class use
Structure of the Program 3-4 days of the week there are rotations/centers. Computer Software Independent Reading Small Group (One-on-One / Conferencing)
Routine # 1 Homework/Planners Homework is always posted and students are given the first 3-5 minutes of class to write it down. Students are responsible for copying homework into their planners. Please check your student’s planner and the CLMS website.
Support for your child
With Your Support This Can Happen? 7th Grade Reading Level = 1st – 2nd Grade. Completed 8th Grade with a 5th /6th Grade Reading Level.
How to Support Your Child? Green Sheets. Give every Friday. Due every Tuesday. Please sign, read comments, state concerns. Independent Reading – Highly Recommended !!! 30-45 minutes a day. Have students choose books at their reading level.
How to Support Your Child? Remind them to be self-advocates…I believe in helping our students be independent learners When they don’t understand When they don’t get all the notes When they are absent When they are late
Expect Progress Reports 1st D/F Notices – Week 5 Progress reports – Week 10 2nd D/F Notices – Week 15 Semester Grade – Week 20
SRI Testing Aug-Sept Before Thanksgiving Break Late Feb - March Late May-June
Useful Websites www.starfall.com www.readtheory.com – Reading comprehension practice at home. www.scholastic.com www.lexile.com
Must Knows I do not expect late work. I do give out 6 passes for the year in case of emergencies. 3 Late / 3 Homework We have an absent corner. I do not give emergency individual extra credit for students that disregard expectations.
Thank you! I look forward to working with you so that your child can have a successful year. Please fill out the getting to know your child forms.
Welcome to Back-to-School Night Room C102 Miss. Aguirre 7th Grade Language Arts
Important Information Miss. Aguirre’s Contact: Email : ana.aguirre@leusd.k12.ca.us www.jupitergrades.com – Log in information will be sent out later this week. CLMS Website: http://clm.leusd.k12.ca.us/
Agenda for Back to School Night 1. Who am I? 2. Expectations and Classroom Management 3. Program Overview /Routines 4. Supporting your child 5. Must Knows
Who am I? Graduated from Loyola Marymount University Majored in English with an Emphasis in Writing Highly Qualified Authorization to teach English Learners 10 years of Teaching Experience Middle School and High School Experience Speak Spanish / Hablo Espanol
Student Expectations Be respectful Be prompt Be prepared Be responsible Be positive and supportive of classmates
Behavior/Classroom Management Warning or warnings Break detention / Teacher-Student Conference Contact Parents Severe behavior issues – referral to admin /counselor
Behavior/Classroom Management Know that if I contact you, I’ve done what I can in the classroom to help your student with his/her behavior/ work habits/motivation. Your support is appreciated. Jupiter grade alerts are sent/ Green sheet messages. Please ensure that you enter your email in your account settings. Spanish speakers – you can change the settings so you receive information from Jupiter grades in Spanish.
Expectations High expectations for Work Format, Presentation, On time I expect students to work hard and to do their best. Assignments that are not quality work can be Given Back Given Partial Credit – 60% Given a zero
Expectations Homework /Projects/Essays /Classwork – Struggle is part of the learning process How to Help? Good Intentions – Too much help. Set up homework time. Designate a homework area. Check agenda? – Is it done? Neatness / Best work – Encourage to redo / produce great quality Paraphrase a question Check for grammar /spelling Let the content be his/hers Encourage them to see me before it is due.
Language Arts Program Skills Avid Skills – Focus Notes / Annotating a text Using Textual evidence to support analysis Graphic Organizers /Outlines to support Reading Comprehension and Writing DLR Pilot – Study Sync
Routine# 1 Homework/Planners Homework is always posted and students are given the first 3-5 minutes of class to write it down. Students are responsible for copying homework into their planners. Please check your student’s planner and the CLMS website.
Support for your child
How to Support Your Child? Green Sheets. Give every Friday. Due every Tuesday. Please sign, read comments, state concerns. Independent Reading – Highly Recommended !!! 30-45 minutes a day.
How to Support Your Child? Remind them to be self-advocates…I believe in helping our students be independent learners When they don’t understand When they don’t get all the notes When they are absent When they are late
Must Knows I do not expect late work. I do give out 6 passes for the year in case of emergencies. 3 Late / 3 Homework We have an absent corner. I do not give emergency individual extra credit for students that disregard expectations.
Thank you! I look forward to working with you so that your child can have a successful year. Please fill out the getting to know your child forms.